The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Goodbye Tommy.

On Sunday morning I awoke to find out that one of the meows we adopted last year had passed away.


He was getting on in his old age, but he was the most playful of the younger ones which sort of made it a shocker to me. We like to think that we made the last year of his life the most pleasant.

We’ll miss you, big orange meow. 🙁

>Early morning open thread

Allergy season has finally caught up with me. The pills have been making me feel drowzy. -_-

Today I went on a booze run to California. Only to buy tea!!! That’s right… I’m that hopeless. Actually it’s southern sweet tea flavored vodka but hey…

Then tonight was movie night at a friends house next door where popcorn, pizza bites and booze could be found. It was awesome, everything besides allergy season is awesome lately.

>The Overlord’s Easter.

Like every year I worked Easter Sunday today. But this year was different, it was snowing and raining. Not making that up either, fell as snow and melted when it got down near the ground. This weird woman was creeped out by it. “This isn’t right” she said as she shook her head. I kindly asked her if she wanted to join me to work in it for 8 hours with me, then I winked and laughed. Yeah she wasn’t happy about that…

I was prepared to fight the storm today though, I had on all my rain gear. In fact a kind gentlemen yelled at me and said I looked like a construction worker. And another guy asked me if I liked music. What kind of a question is that? I said “Ummmm, maybe.” and he said “Well I noticed you humming a song one day…” Then he pulls out his card that has all this info on it. I kept it in my possession just to show some friends. I have his phone number, email, myspace, facebook, twitter and itunes links. And that was pretty much the excitement of my Easter Sunday. Aside from coming home to an omnom feast. … 469#p41469

Whilyam wrote:
Tweek and Ddefreyne have been demoted by Cyan apparently as retribution for speaking up about veralun.

What was written to Cyan:

Dear Richard,

We realize the subject of this email is a bit touchy, but we’ve collectively come to the conclusion that some things can no longer be left unsaid. Specifically, we have major objections against the way veralun has been performing his duties as a moderator of the official MO:UL forum over the past years. Moderation should always encourage and foster discussion; veralun’s moderation style, on the other hand, frequently impedes or entirely prevents it. This is particularly the case when people disagree about something, i.e. when something is actually worth debating. We all feel that he removes posts for the wrong reasons, neglects to inform authors that their posts were deleted and for what reasons, indulges in personal attacks against forum members, moderates inconsistently and generally abuses his powers without regard for public interest. This gives us the impression that he sees himself as some kind of infallible dictator whose actions and motivations are always beyond reasonable doubt. This has been going on for several years now, but some recent incidents necessitate us to bring this to your immediate attention. We propose that he be removed from his position as moderator of the official MO:UL forum, because in our opinion the situation can not be expected to improve. We realize how difficult it is to take such a decision, but we trust that you will act wisely and in good faith.

Yours sincerely,
[List of people]

Ah so what happens when a bunch of people complain about someone of high authority abusing their position? They terminate the complainers… Nice to know Veralun is actually following Cyan protocol.

>Shanghai red pepper sauce

This is from one of my favorite cookbooks: Modern Asian Cooking, the taste of Shanghai

You will need:

2 tsp cornstarch

6 tbsp of soy sauce

1/4 cup of dry sherry

1/2 cup of sugar

2 tbsp of chili sauce or chili garlic sauce

2 packed tbsp of very finely minced peeled ginger or ginger paste from a tube

2 tsp of sesame oil or hot chili sesame oil

First mix 1 tbsp of the soy sauce with the 2 tsp of cornstarch until well mixed, set aside. Put the rest of the soy sauce into a small pan and add the sherry, sugar, chili sauce, ginger and oil and bring to a boil over medium heat (don’t forget to stir!). Once you reach the boiling point stir the cornstarch soy sauce mixture one more time and add to the pan, lower heat to a simmer and keep stirring until the sauce gets thick. About a minute or so. Turn off the stove and pour into a jar or a container. It can be stored in the fridge for up to one week.

Makes about a cup.