The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Late Night Open Thread

RL has been picking up. Over the weekend we had company stay over, plus work made me feel real tired enough to not turn either one on for a day and a half…

While work has been exhausting it has been fun for quite a few of us to watch one of our co workers get fed the riot act over and over again about one thing or another. He eye shops constantly during his shift, watches TV during his shift, randomly decides to hang around with his friends and shrug off all his work onto us… He seems to be paranoid around me because whenever he tries these things while I’m around he’ll ask me if I’ve done any of my duties or something along those lines, that and his facial expressions are real easy to read. Oh, and to top it off he almost damaged our main bosses car. Yeah… We’ve been having REAL fun with him.

Oh well… Happy weekend to me.

>Late Night/Early Morning Open Thread

I hope everyone had a good time tonight, or should I say yesterday… I had a good St Patty’s day. We had corned beef, cabbage, potatoes and salad. Then my best friend Princess Barbie and I went to the wine bar to have some beers. Surprisingly they have some good beer (their cheesecake is omnom too!). I had one that had hazelnut as an aftertaste, and another that had fruity notes to it. Then when we were done making fun of karaoke night we went to the next bar over and played pool. We totally sucked but it was fun. Then I came back home and had more beer.

Now I’m drinking some lemon ginger tea to regain hydration.

>Whilly hits another homerun with this one

The discussion on the role of Cyan should prove one thing to you. It takes a while for dead ideologies to die. There will still be the hardcore supporters who will fight you. As the ideology dies, the views become more extreme and more fundamentalist. The tactics turn to bullying.
Cyan’s role in Uru has diminished and will keep diminishing and Cyan will be better off as a result for the reasons I’ve outlined before (it will free up resources). I have seen no coherent reason  why the community in general could not acquire an individual responsibility to decide their experience in an Age. Particularly since the fan Ages might be separate (and thus distinguishable) from Cyan’s Ages.
And yet, I was regaled in warning after warning of how Uru isn’t Uru without the strictly-cohesive canon (which it has never had). The level of delusion is what is truly frightening. Canon is GOD was a phrase actually used. Completely ignorant of the fact that Uru has spent the majority of its public life without canon (as Until Uru). The Liaisons didn’t cause a backlash when all of them quit in disgust and the event drove several away from Uru. There was a sense of absurdity in the statement that “Uru isn’t Uru” without canon. It was the same sense I got when a team-mate of mine claimed we weren’t making an Age for Uru, we were making a “game.” The correct continuation of both those thoughts is “to me.
Uru means different things to different people. End of story. The more diverse number of reasons we can bring people into Uru for, the more successful it will be. None of the preferences the community has are exclusive. A poorly-textured Age doesn’t ruin all Ages for me. As such, a poorly-written backstory for one Age doesn’t kill all Ages for me. If you don’t like an Age, don’t come back to it or discover something about it you like. That is the mantra repeated over and over. It is a flawed mantra (as it can be applied to any number of atrocities in human history) but it is perfectly acceptable here in this lesser of concerns.
So how do we beat the bullies? There was a term used back in 2007, “concern troll.” It was (in some cases fairly) attributed to posters who registered just to fake concern and cry crocodile tears for Uru’s hopes of survival because Uru was missing this or that. The new breed of concern troll is the one who wrings their hands at how Cyan isn’t involved, how we’re so ungrateful, etc.
The easy answer, the stupid answer, is “ignore them.” But the problem is deeper than that and can’t be addressed by nazi-esque purging (is it Godwin’s Law if I invoke the Nazis on the side I agree with?). The deeper problem is that Uru abounds in diversity but lacks in understanding. This is why the way to beat the bullies is to let them build their own area and have it compete with others. It is not to set up their ideas as the “official” shard while everyone else is relegated to “fan fiction” status. That sets people on a pedestal that leads to anger and resentment.
Uru can be more successful now than before, but we need real rational ideas not antiques that ignore the new reality.

No, this is not a new kind of concern troll. They’ve been around the community for a long time. Only since Open Source has been declared have they decided to scream at the top of their lungs, as though they’re a small child that throws a fit when they don’t get the toy they want.

Some of these people want to control what ages we can and cannot see. I’m not sure if this is because they don’t want their (and by extension every persons) world to be tarnished with an age they themselves deem impure or whatever else. In reality (which I understand by now some of these people are in the cavern to escape that place) these bullies have no control. They can’t control who makes what or who downloads and explores which age. And I’m sure with some of these people it irks and eats away at them.

Choosing which ages can and can’t be used… If these idiots had their way they’d probably choose which people could and couldn’t be allowed into Uru.

>From the thread on the last entry.


Doc wrote:

So… Cyan is a secretive cabal of the empowered, seeking nothing but more power, lying to the people and doing things that cause obviously detrimental effects mostly as a hypothetical “what if” scenario?

I could have sworn that was some of the fan base..

Doc wrote:

There was no hole in the fanbase. There was no backlash of any significance. Most people thought it was an awesome thing, and for many of us it’s one of the reasons we loved Uru so much.

Shorter Doc: Everyone should see Uru my way or the highway! 😉

>A Dejavu post.

I was reading this thread and decided to dust off an old chestnut of a rant I wrote last year and tweaked it slightly since it’s pretty much the same situation.

We the Uru purists should be in charge of this new Uru. But we face a problem.

It’s clear that when we’re this outnumbered by non canon people who want to make nonsense, run around in colored skin or as upside down flying bahro, we have to rule the non canon through intimidation. That’s why the single most important thing we can do as cavern purists is dominate and decide all fan ages and do all the thinking for the fans. For we know what’s good for everyone. Need MORE proof?

“Let us join together and to rule over content upon sea and sky from hard disk to hard disk”- Joe The Greeter 4002.

I’d say that about covers it. Because if we don’t dominate the non canon people, you’d better believe they will be dominating us!!! Imagine if you will, someone making a YouTube video from this idea.

“As the shards churn” – By Overlord Tomala.

One liner: What if the haxxors won and we surrendered to our “fellow” community members?

Tag line: “It’s just like MOUL! Only at our fingertips!!!”

Where: Any fan run server you want to go to

When: The near future! All hail the shard owners once again! All having the ability to do as they did in MOUL, only now them and their team of haxx0rs have source code at their fingertips. Their first project is to engineer purple laser guided loaves of French bread to defend themselves from the flying lima bean infestation.

Our heroine (the overlord, who in this story, plays an ordinary equal), has linked to Eder Kemo on one of the fan run servers, only to find that someone turned the brain trees into singing jellyfish, the puffer plants into giant turkey basters, and the pond water into lime jello. Fearing for her life she links to Ae’Gura, only to find King Kong and a T Rex knocked the Arch over in a verbal fight to see who is more right than the other.

Some shards are giving lessons in D’ni, but only one shard is giving lessons in Sheepish.

When all hope seems to be lost, Tomala teams up with the last surviving leaders from the last reign of power. And they create the meter room shard.

The end.

>The Great Computer War of 2010

Well it turns out the Hard Drive doesn’t have any problems on that laptop. Doing a reinstall over that XP install did the trick. But other weird instances happened last night while I was working on it. For starters my father’s motherboard died when I put my USB key into it to give it a new anti-virus definition. Turns out that type of mobo isn’t shielded properly if you use front USB, in fact one case was reported where plugging a USB key in caused smoke to come out of the tower! O_O

Oh, and it gets better! My laptop decided that it didn’t want to start up the anti-virus program properly! Though that was an easy fix. I just had to remove a packet program I installed a long time ago, for some reason changing the service for it under services made it go ape shit.

Yeah… I guess I should get some sleep now.