The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Overlord Overtime

On Saturday, Sunday and today your Overlord has managed to get Overtime. More money so I can screw the rules… But your Overlord is royally beat. Today 6 1/2 hours instead of 5 (which I didn’t mind, yesterday 11 1/2 hours (ouch!) and the day before that a normal full shift with 15 minutes over. I’ll sleep good tonight.

Just made myself a little Pad Thai and some fresh spinach with lime dressing. Finished the last of the antioxidant green tea box. And today I bought plenty of stuff for kitchen experimentation either tomorrow or the next day.

Now I would like to share with you a top I wore today:


Red V Neck wrapped sweater with a bow, and my Overlord cap. Smexy… The gold necklace is nice too.

Meh… Guess I’ll go sleep now.

>the Last Good Buddy…


I had not seen my good friend in awhile. I was wondering what all he has been up to since the last time we had gotten together. I started looking around for him in all the usual haunts where he could usually be found to no avail. I was starting to get a little worried about him. This is not like my good friend. He is always in contact with us on regular bases. I mentioned this to my wife and she had not seen him in awhile either. Now both of us are worried. My wife mirrored my thoughts “This is not like him.” she said out loud.

A little while later, I got a call from the wife. She had found a blood spot, a good-sized dark one. Oh crap I thought. On looking around, we found more. “HOLY CRAP!” aloud I said, “This is not looking very good. “

As I rounded a corner, I saw my good friend napping in his favorite chair. Oh good I thought, he is sleeping off another all nighter as usual. All’s well now. My good friend has been found. He is known far and wide for gallivanting around at all hours of the day and night.

As I approached him, I could smell urine and feces. This is not a good thing. Then I saw the pool of black blood, my heart skipped a beat and I sucked in a lot of air. Fssssippt! Crap now I can taste it. My good friend has been hit. As I rolled him over and started surveying his wounds, I was immediately taken back to The Nam. The smell of wounded comrades is never forgotten. The only thing missing was the yelling and screaming and the smell of burnt nitrates. His wounds were just small puncture holes in his belly, like bullet holes but the smell is a recognizable fatal smelling smell. I have been here before. You never forget.

My good friend was in deep shock now so at the speed of light, I bundled up my good friend and medevac’d him to the nearest hospital. I took him into the ER where the triage team immediately started working on him. There is hope now. He is with the best in the business. Bar none. They had saved another good friend of mine awhile back.

The waiting is the hardest part. After what was an eternity the doctor came out and was ready to talk to me. He took me into this little room off to the side. “Can I see him?” I asked. “In a minute but first I need to talk with you about your friend’s condition.” He put up some x-rays on the light box. Before the doctor spoke, I could already see the mass damage to my good friend’s body. Crap he’s toast I thought. Damn…

As the doctor was confirming what I already knew, I looked up at his diploma on the wall. All right! he was an Aggie; a Texas A&M graduate like my father was. It is such a small world at the craziest of times. Next to his diploma was a Bronze Star award. It stated, for valor under fire as a combat medic in Iraq. My good friend could not have been in any better hands.

I finally get to see my good friend. He is all bandaged up and there is the smell of iodine and alcohol in the air. The doctor tells me my good friend does not have much time left. I hold my good friend’s hand and talk to him for a little while. He looks at me and his eyes go empty. He is gone… I fought back the tears as I kissed my friend good-bye…

Good bye Good Buddy… You will be missed… You will be remembered…

~: RIP :~

Good Buddy
June 28, 2005 – August 8, 2009
~ Semper Fidelis… Hoo-rah!!


I would like to clear something up from Chuckles’ post yesterday. He says that the Slackers are friendly. That has to be the biggest line of BS anyone from Slackers has ever said in the history of ever. Every time a slacker smiles a puppy dies, it’s bad luck if you let one cross your path, and I’m pretty sure walking under one doesn’t bring anything good.

That’s it Chuckles! I want you off my blog by midnight 12:00 PDT! semplerfi is taking your place!

And random fashion week returns.

>Scorched Earth Policy

Well, my second week of guest blogging on “I am Uru and so can you” is quickly coming to an end. I have purposefully kept these extremely informative and entertaining posts non-confrontational. I know my statement that “Trees are good” might have been close to inflammatory, but I thought it was the right thing to do. But who knows, maybe somebody who hates Druids was reading that blog entry and had a coronary. If so, my apologies. That wasn’t my intention.

The Uru Community is a wildly diverse group of people, and I count myself as a member in good standing. Now sometimes some in the community get crosswise with others in the community. Kind of like siblings. Everybody needs somebody to beat up on, except the youngest of course. In my case, being the youngest of six, instead of having somebody to beat up on, I learned diplomacy. Smart move. So I was able to defer my fair share of poundings on the next youngest child. Again, my apologies (this time to my brother, Bruce, who was born with a “Kick Me” sign on his back.)

I consider myself a nice person, sometimes to a fault. Growing up in California, I have a certain amount of experience with faults, but that is beside the point, except that it seems that the earthquakes have followed me to Texas albeit 27 years later. I try to be friendly and non-judgemental when meeting new people. When Uru Live was put to bed in February 2004, I grieved with others like-minded and somewhat obsessed with all things Uru. I was one of those thrilled when Cyan cooperated with the fans and allowed Until Uru to become reality in August 2004. I spent most of my time with my friends from the Institution Neighborhood on the Tapestry shard. This group of folks had found the Ubisoft Uru forums as a place to hang out and participate in general silliness in Uru related story threads such as the Mystery of the Bahro Caves and several Experimental Program threads. It was fun getting to know others from the Tapestry shard as well as those visiting from other shards. I found the folks from Slackers shard to be a fun-loving, sometimes edgy group. But I thought they were a decent bunch. Tomala from early on displayed a fondness for the game, which I think is still there to this day. I have a great deal of admiration for Semplerfi and Semplerette. They had a hobby of collecting avatars on many shards. They still have their shards webpage. Pretty impressive list.

I thought the whole UU experience was great, except for the Shard Wars of course. Just like watching your parents fighting, it takes a toll on the kids. Unfortunately some in the community have the opinion that every problem Uru ever had was due to the “Ebil Slackers”. I have found first hand that defending them has a cost. But I gladly took my lumps because it’s the right thing to do to stand up for your friends.

There, I said it. The Slackers folk, evil as they are or only appear to be, are my friends. So, if that offends anybody, then my apologies. In the years since the Tapestry forum disappeared and UU closed during the MOUL/Gametap experience, i have found the folks at the Slackers forum to be quite accepting of me despite my Tapestry pedigree. I’ve found that in real life and the virtual world on the internet, that the best way to have friends is to be a friend. That is what I’ve attempted to do most of my life. Not just to avoid being beat up, but because it makes life more fun and rewarding.

Now, as to the scorched earth policy I promised, here goes. I like ice cream, and in fact last Sunday we made two freezers of homemade ice cream for my son’s party as our family said goodbye to my son as he readied to leave for his second year in college. Mmmm, vanilla and strawberry. Now if you prefer chocolate, then you are entitled to your opinion. Flame away, I can handle it. Just to be fair, I have had chocolate ice cream before.

Oh, and before I step aside for Semplerfi to be next week’s guest blogger, I want to thank Tomala for the chance to stir things up on this blog. Maybe if I get another chance some time in the future, I’ll re-tell the School Bus story I told a few times in UU.

>Open Thread

We had burgers once again tonight. Today was a lazy gray day. And I’ll soon finish off the night by lighting some sage incense. Incense is a favorite to buy, it’s cheap and depending on the kind you buy it smells good. It’s a great way to calm your mind before returning to hell the next day. But at least it’s been a relaxing 3 days.

>Late Night Open Thread

Tonight for dinner was a homemade bacon cheeseburger. And speaking of food check out this website. One of my prized minions (KBQ) found it.

Now onto money. My favorite place to spend it is ebay, because everything is cheap there. I get special clothing, jewelry, computer parts, laptops, teasets, and a bunch of other stuff off of there. My camcorder came off of there for $237 with free shipping! The computers that I use, all 3 of them came off ebay. My oriental clothes? Also ebay (in fact I got coupons recently! glee).

There you have it. The Overlord approves of ebay.

>Back by “poplar” demand

I like trees. They do a lot of things for us. They turn carbon dioxide into oxygen for us hoomans. They provide a sturdy place for birds to build nests. They are leaf factories. If carefully placed, they can hold a hammock. Some trees provide for climbing fun.

This weekend we watched some home videos from 1994 so my son’s girlfriend could see some funny movies of him at age 4 1/2 years old. The best part was from Easter 1994. I was recording the action. My daughter, who was 8 1/2 years old was sniping all the eggs. We’d give my son a hint, then SWOOP in she came and stole it. We kept hearing, “Sissy, that was mine!” Well at one point he said in a maniacal voice “I GET CANDY!!!”. We watched that scene quite a few times.

Well, back to the topic of trees. It’s amazing how much our trees have grown in the last 15 years. Oaks, Ashes and a lone Pine tree. They’ve all been busy growing. Then we saw the Silver Maples that all died from borer beetles. The place has changed quite a bit over the years, especially the swimming pool and pool/game house. The yard is kept much nicer … since the yard man is no longer a 4 1/2 year old boy.

Living in the country has been very enjoyable. Being able to see many meteors a week and a half ago was fun. It was fun that would be hard to do living in the city.

When I was young, we lived on a six acre place in Sonoma County, California. We had a great fir tree (20 – 30 feet tall) in our front yard that made for great climbing. I’d climb it and sit near the top of the tree and just relax. It was usually our home base for hide and seek games. I miss that tree, and though I can see the old place using MSN maps, the tree in the front yard is gone. The other fir tree is still there next to the driveway, but it was not a very good climbing tree.

Speaking of trees, I like the Age of Kadish Tolesa in Uru because it has very majestic trees. They kind of remind me of the Great Redwoods in California. Sometimes trees can be problematic. If you hit your golf ball into the woods, the trees make it difficult to hit the ball where you want. Trees don’t have much give when hit by a car, unless you’re lucky and run into a balsa wood tree.

Trees are good. That is my opinion of course. If you disagree, I’d like to hear why.

>Re: Oversight


I’m doubtless the only person who has been frustrated lately by the behavior of Congress.

Well, maybe if you got up, washed the cheeto stains off your hands, and while you’re at it take a shower and put your stuff in the laundry to get all the cheeto powder off of it, dry and brush your hair, put some new clothes on after your mommy washes them and go out of your mothers basement for awhile and talk to other human beings you might actually find people who agree with… Oh wait a minute you’re not a republican. Sorry disregard all of the above. That response is supposed to be for the birthers, deathers, and people who like to tongue bathe ol Rush’s bollocks. But not you… I actually agree with you.

>Everyone elses weekend is over yet mine begins

Today was a good day. We had ribeye steak tonight with salad, homemade pickled beets, smoked salmon, and steakhose fries.

Didn’t buy much today, a meal bar here, an energy drink there, simple stuff to get me through a hectic day. We’ll see where tomorrow takes me.

Overlord over and outish.