The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>A break from the norm.

When I inadvertently gained the guest Blogger position for this week i had no idea what to blog about.

Being a member of the URU community, though only a sleeping member which is less than lurking, it would be normal to blog about something to do with URU or its community.

But I’m not going to do that..

Instead I am going to blither on about things and stuff..


First of all I’d like to bring your attention to what I do other than my main job as the secret Supreme Coordinator of all things and stuff that is URU.
When I am not running things from behind the veil of many faces spread throughout the community, I like to work on my many projects of self entertainment. This includes toying with the minds of those who within my mind rays, making them do and say things of no real meaning or importance. This in turn throws forum threads off topic and into turmoil. Though it seems URU related it is really just a hobby..

Other than that i dabble in the art of 3D.

examples of this can be found here: , I must warn you that there may be things you wish or wish not to see, but that is not of my concern since i put them thoughts into your minds when you visited this page.

Other hobbies include Arduino , Radio control flight, Composing Mew songs (songs with the words replaces with “mew”), and finding new ways to torment the minds of those closest to me in the most loving way possible.

All this takes my mind off the continous task of making sure the community remains in a state of perpetual dissaray from within my egg shaped capsule hidden within the cavern of D’ni where no one will find it.

True you are thinking “ah but how can this all be a secret if you are telling us all this? your cover is blown!”.

Well its simple.

Yoy will forget this easily, as you wil be distracted by the man now in your closet turning all your shoes up the other way.
Also those who do remember wil be deemed as conspirecy theorists, naturally.

I thank you for your controlled attention.

Good day to you Sirs and Madams.

wherever you are…

>The New Face Challenge Contest Winner

I think it is safe to say that the winner by popularity is Bongmaster’s picture! Congratulations Bong! I’ll be sure to put it to great use!

However, though you may have won by popularity. There is still the Overlord’s personal choice award.

The winner is,


In this community run by an overlord such as myself, we are all equal in every way. Therefore this makes you all winners in my book, and each of your entries will have a special place.

Thank you for your participation.

>A New Year!!!

There was much fun in 08. I went to Honolulu, got legally sloshed, became the Overlord I never thought I was, and met one of my best minions in person. Wow… I have come a long way, now 09 is here! Let us move forward into another year of proper dictatorship and finding ways of controlling open source.

As a side note, the new face challenge is now over. After some polling is done at the Slackers forum I will get back to you on who wins. In the meantime feel free to see the contributions by my minions:

>Cross Post: It has begun

Thought I’d let everyone know that as head GM of the GOGu, I have brought on a “sidekick”, no it isn’t Hoikas (yet), it’s BAD. 😛 And this is what he said over at the GOGu:

With my new promotion to Super head honcho of the GOW, I have now become a full and honored member of the GOGu.

It is an honor yes, but also a duty. No, not in your pants.

This duty is to make sure everone understands who is in charge around here. Simple answer: I am.

Yes yes, I know, you all are asking yourselves, is this guy saying he is above the Overlord?! Is he crazy!? She shoots lazers out of her eyes! I’ve seen it!

No no no. I am not “above” the Ovelord. I am more of on her right side. Where I belong. Sure we can try to compare and contrast our powers, but we both know we would be pretty closely matched. I won’t say who would be the ultimate winner in the fight, but lets just say that there would be little left of the Earth after it, and if there is anything we hate more than veloure track suits, it’s the lack of subjects to grovel before us.

So we won’t be sparing off as long as there are plenty of slaves and servants to subjugate.

So anyway, I want to thank the Overlord in her infinite wisdom to join our forces. Together we will rule the world, and any other place we find in space.