The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Ruining It For Everyone Else Since 2004
The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Coming clean on my pot addiction

It’s true… My friends, my family, and even many strangers know about my addiction to pot. I was introduced to a little green friend when I was 8 years old at Christmas time. And since then it has evolved into something wild with many colors from all over the world.

Meet the twin pots. One doesn’t have a lid due to me forgetting to hold the handle while pouring a cuppa one day, it broke and now the twins share one lid. I use them whenever I feel like having American or British tea.

My valentine teapot and cup for one. For when I don’t feel like having a giant pot of tea but still want some all to myself! I use it year round since I’ve been known to have a loving mood from time to time. I love me after all.

This is my winter teapot and cup for one. I only use it during the winter season, because it would be weird using it during the spring and summer.

Meet Mr Elephant. I use her whenever I want chai. And yes, it’s a her. I checked.

This one only gets used during the month of December, why? Because I have so many other teapots. And they all have to be on a strict teapot schedule.

And here we have a giant teapot from Japan and a baby teapot from China with it’s best friend the baby teacup! I haven’t had a chance to use the tiny one yet, but the big one gets plenty of use whenever I want green or white tea.

And finally, my latest teapot for my oriental collection. It’s a beauty.


I hope the new Uru comes to us soon upon the wings of Cyan. And I have also taken it upon myself to make a list of other things to be hopeful for.

I hope that there are pure canon shards.

I hope there is a war to determine who is more canony than the other.

I hope that there are non canon shards.

I hope to create a task force of fellow pure Uru individuals that go around joining the non canon shards to let them know they are playing Uru wrong. If this comes into being I think I’ll call ourselves the Kavern Keystone Kops or KKK for short.

I hope that there are no ages that include lima beans in them.

I hope lima bean supporters are banned, tarred, feathered, and anything else we intend to do to the people who play Uru incorrectly. I don’t care what people say over at the MOUL forum, there IS a wrong way.

I hope for a dunny in D’ni. It is long overdue, plus the cones are starting to smell rank.

And above all I hope everyone is ready for what is about to come. I know I am. 😉 Why? Because I am Uru and so can you!

>Open Thread

I’m in a good mood tonight for some reason…

Therefore I will not comment on stupid people. Instead I will inhale my incense and enjoy my sugar rush.

Tea sounds good about now… It has to be good. Ok, I’ll go with lemon. Crap now which tea set… I have tons. Alright, tea set #3.

Day was nice today… Went for a long bike ride.

Now out of complete randomness I will display this:

We have a good calm going? Good…….

mccain.gif picture by Tomala

>Lets start over

What can I say, I told myself I would never become a blogger, and here I am again writing on a blog and enjoying it.

Don’t worry the fear is still there, but it is mitigated by the fact that I indeed have an audience to see my writings.

As long as the performer has an audience he or she continues to perform.

So here I dance. I sing, I love and die. You, my friends and occasionally my enemies can read what happens between my ears and wonder at it.

It’s amazing I can keep a string of thought on any given day. My mind lives in every moment like a fuse leading to a big cartoon bomb. Is that bomb death? Is it rebirth? No one seems to know the answers.

Life is for living. Today I feel life more than ever. I feel weighted. Not pain, or sadness, just heavy. This is a good thing. It’s a reminder of our density. Some say we only see things as solid because our eyes were made to see what we can not pass our entity through, must be something solid. They say that the world is actually a lot of empty space in between atoms. We are a collection of parts that in essence are not even physically connected. We are the ether.

What is this density? Is it the weight of reality, or have I thrown a mental anchor. Can I grow from here?

Only time will tell.

>Day two!

Upon awakening this afternoon I heard a vase fall down the stairs. My guess is that there is an evil spirit living in our house, and he doesn’t like us because we’re not members of the Republican party.

I plan to expell the spirit tonight by turning up the TV loudly when The Daily Show and The Colbert Report come on. If that doesn’t work I have lots of garlic, a plunger, and incense.

>Day one of three.

Seeing BAD has told you about some of his personal life, it is time for the Overlord to shine hers upon the center stage (as usual).

As I lay asleep in the early morning I had a dream of a prophecy, the dream told of my work schedule. It told me I would be off of work in time for a party. Then the dream was shattered when the alarm of terror screamed it’s horrid show tune nightmare. I dressed in garb that befit the weekday warrior and went to work, only to find I was early for work, by 3 days.

I returned to my lair and changed into my overlording clothes.

Not to mention the pearl ring of Cyantology, earrings and the pearl bracelet of gentle falsities, oh and one must not forget to mention the red sun hat (to conceal the horns on my head). I drank the finest tea from Honolulu and had a giant bratwurst. I ventured into society, most of them think I’m human so I was safe.

During my outing I came upon items that a female overlord must possess. Seashell jewelery and hair thingy of the earth which claims to be made in the Philippines on the packaging, but then says it’s made in china on the clip itself. And some soap along the way…

I had a drink fit for the divine, a lemonade energy drink… I walked through the park and went home to drink more tea and annoy people.

One day off down, two more to go.