The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Open Thread

I’d like to thank Chuckles for being this weeks co author! We seemed to hit it off real well. The next co author is semplerfi!

This week at the blog I hold it in favor of the two most popular things in America. Food and money! Things we can’t get nearly enough of plus my two cents worth! Which 9 years ago was worth about $8.43

Update Turns out semplerfi won’t be able to do it, so Chuckles gets the honor of being here for a 2nd week!

>End of summer bluze

Well here it is, August 22nd. Although summer is not officially over until somewhere around September 21, it really seems to be over now, as school has started. No, I wasn’t held back for another year in Third Grade, but my son leaves for his second year in college on Tuesday. He’s attending at a school near Chattanooga, Tennessee.

He’s been home for close to four months, but it went quickly. We played golf again this Thursday and we both had our moments. He was ahead by three strokes through the eighth hole and playing well. Then I had went par/birdie on the ninth & tenth to his double bogey/par and we were even. Woo Hoo, the game was ON! When it was all said and done, I had won by five strokes and he was properly and utterly defeated. Lots of fun. He had beaten me the last several times we played so it was good payback.

I had one embarrassing moment. On the eighteenth tee he was dragging himself along having already conceded my victory. I stepped up and hit my drive into a few trees at the bottom of the fairway. OoooOoops, there were people down there, waiting to hit I had to move ahead to the green and apologize for almost killing them. I also thanked them for finding my ball.

So tomorrow we’ll have the rest of the family over for a bon voyage party for him. We’ll get out and get the yard looking nice. That’s another thing. I’m losing my summer yard man.

So on Tuesday, he’s doing the thirteen hour drive by himself. We told him to stop often and stay focused on the road. That means to already have his iPod playlists ready. Don’t send text messages while driving and eating.

At least now I have a Twitter account so he can keep up with what I’m doing while he’s busy studying. “I’m sitting on the front porch”.

>Doctor: I have good news and I have bad news …

Now, just in case y’all are bored to tears after my heartfelt explanation as to why I like orange, here’s what’s been keeping me busy … and a little frustrated recently.
With all the talk about health care reform (don’t worry, not going there on this blog post), the health of my almost five year old desktop computer has been of concern over the last week and a half. My 19 year old son had been typing in a lovely birthday thought for me, and when he went to print it, it wouldn’t. So he rebooted, which led to a Windoze error that said “FIX ME!!!”
Well, the only problem is that it is pretty hard to repair a Windoze (XP Pro) installation without an administrative password. I built the computer myself, so I could’ve sworn that I didn’t give it an admin password.
So after a week of trying this and that, I boxed it up and took it to the IT guy at work. He said, “No problem! I can reset the password for you.” So when he hooked up the hard disk, it wouldn’t recognize that it WAS a hard drive. “This hard drive is CRASHED!!!”
Oh, really. I guess that must have happened the day before, when I was putting it into the protective plastic case it had come in. It seemed to have slipped out of the case as I was trying to attach the two Viewmaster looking things. Yep, it fell on the floor of my office at home. But it has nice soft carpet.
Oh well, I’ve stuck another hard disk into the computer this evening and have been reinstalling the system. Fortunately I have good backups of it, and shouldn’t have lost anything important. In fact I had made a complete copy onto a fresh external hard drive just before I … put it into the plastic case to protect it.
It will be good practice as I’ll be building a new and improved desktop in a couple months. You’d better let Fry’s know I’m coming. And by the way, I do have an admin password now, and I’ve documented it very well, thank you.

>Open Thread

It was really warm in Brookings today. So warm that I wore this after paid slavery.


Sweaters, the perfect summer accessory for around here…

On another note I have been doing more experiments with that evil Garrysmod program. I went out of my way to spend $3.39 for HLDMS and HLS combined. So I have two new games that can be ported over to Garrysmod. You simply cannot pass up such a cheap bit of evil.

>Orange is a very fashionable clothing choice


First, I would like to thank (The Overlord Etc Etc) Tomala for this opportunity to share some of the wisdom that my 51 years on this planet with the many minions that follow this Blog of great knowledge, however I won’t since it was Bongmaster that gave me this opportunity.
I have wondered what I might share on this first opportunity (that’s the third time I used that word, by the way), but I just now thought it would be nice to share with the rest of the class just why I like Orange. I’ve always liked oranges, the juicy and ever so fresh citrus fruit, despite its tendencies to hang around with those sour characters limes and lemons.
But I digress. I have not always such a distinguished and respectable gentleman nearing his middle age years. No, believe it or not I used to be an annoying, sometimes hyperactive child. I grew up the youngest of six children to a loving family that lacked very little … namely money. Yes, we were poor. We were soooo poooor … wait, I think I’ll save this topic for another blog entry … that is if this blog still has any followers/viewers after this first post.
Well, being a wealth challenged family, we had very few family vacations that were more than a trip to Safeway, or lunch at Grandma’s house. Well, in 1966, we left the house one evening as The Rockettes were performing on the Jackie Gleason Show, and headed for the wilderness known as The Great Northwest.
Now boys and girls, have any of you ever been to The Great Northwest? I thought so. Despite the sheer distance from California, they actually seemed to be nice states. For the geographically challenged among us, I’m referring to Oregon and Washington State. My dad took the youngest three of us by car on a trip to Washington to visit my uncle and his family. Well, to make a long story even longer, let me move to the point of this blog.
Colors are very important to us. Whether we try to change our appearance with hair color (not using it yet, thank you), make up, tattoos, wear bright golf clothes like or whatever, we like things colorful. As young children, we usually settle on favorites. You know, food, sports teams, supermodels and of course colors.
Well, I guess I can admit it now, as it’s been 43 years. My favorite color was GREEN. Yes, very pretty, the color of my eyes. The color of a freshly cut lawn. Very good choice. Well, during this trip, we made it to my uncle’s house. So my brother 1.5 years older than me and my cousin a year younger than me hung around for the rest of the visit. We went camping somewhere nearby, and while we were just chatting (I don’t think any TWEETING was involved), my brother asked my cousin, “What is your favorite color”. He said, “Green”. Then I said, “Shoot, now I’m going to have to change my favorite color.” I picked orange on the spot.
Really, that’s the way it went down.
Oh, and for the record, I thought Butchart’s Gardens were fabulous. Really. I’d like to go back someday.
I’m sorry, this Blog post was supposed to tie in to Tomala’s fashion topic, so here is an example of my use of orange in proper party wear:
This picture was made by by friend Stellaflora from the Institution Neighborhood and included my and Kestryll at the Age and Country Hotel Christmas Party in December 2004.
Seems that the blue and orange tuxedos seem a little familiar, aren’t they?
As you can see, I’ve made my point. Orange can taste good, but is also very stylish.

>The darkness that was hidden.

That’s a fancy way of saying I wore this under my uniform so that when work ended I’d be all dark and muscular lookin’, or something…


This and some black capris with a scrunchie in my hair.


Yep… I was so totally goffik today. There was one light colorless thing that I wore today though. First thing in the morning.


It’s a bit big. But it holds sentimental value to the Overlord. It belonged to my grandmother. Who shall be called the birther of the birther of the Overlord.

And for the evening. BEHOLD! The Overlord’s lime green nightgown.


Now for some relaxing incense and a snooze…

>The Overlord’s Battlecry


Running over the wasteland, wielding a piece of chainlink fence, cometh GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala Of The Guiding Light! And she gives a bloodthirsty bellow:

“For the love of beatings, I bring darkness and mayhem like a sentient bulldozer!”

>Late Night Open Thread

Today was “simply fabulous!”. Good food, good weather, and I tidied up. O no one should mess with my stuff!!! Clean surroundings make the Overlord feel less cluttered.

And at this point I’m almost to the bottom of the bottle of chardonnay. And had a couple slices of a chocolate cream pie I had… Mmmm I like pie.

Tomala + 8-ish