Safely back in my town. Just finished some DQ, the dinner every Overlord has to have when they return from vacation. And my soul belongs to me until 1:30 pm on Friday!
It was fun to meet all those people. I must say, and nice to be with family once again.
>I know who you are…
Remember that stalker we had here at the blog awhile back? The one that left 2 days after saying he’d never leave me alone? I know who he is now. I’m not going to say who yet, but I’m not completely surprised.
Here’s a clue. He’s simulcasted on MystBlogs, and what’s sad was that I had no problem with this guy. I actually considered his blog to be a fun and interesting read. But for some strange reason he decided to pull that stalker shit over here. You’re not a dark and mysterious person. You’re a fat dumbshit that’s angry because you haven’t been able to find your happy spot since you were 4. And since you’re too fucking huge to leave your room, you do shit like this in your spare time when you’re not making pictures of what you like to do with a banana squash.
I should thank you for making it very easy to find you. I saved your ISP and IP address when you visited the slackers chat room. And strangely enough it matched perfectly when I did a whois on you during Mysterium in CyanChat. Really, thank you for laying out the red carpet for me.
And another thing. If you so much as respond to anything over here I will post who you are, what blog you run, what your IP address is and what ISP you go through.
I think I’ve made my point. Stay away or there’s going to be a big bashing with your name all over it.
>And this is how it ends.
Neile has changed his blog yet again with something new to say.
How did we get here? One bad feeling heaped upon another. I have taken a long hard look at my life lately, and I truly am sorry for all that has happened between us. I see now this is not how I wish to live out my life. There is enough anger, hate and hurt feelings in this world. You have every right to keep being mad at me, and that’s OK. I just can’t keep this up any more. I never really wanted things to go this far. I just needed to feel a little compassion for my situation. I understand now that was an unrealistic expectation on my part for a situation I should have never gotten involved in in the first place. I hope you all can forgive me. There is no real need for me to hang around here like this, so I promise I will really try to never darken your lives again. Good luck, I hope you find the desires of your heart.
If you’re willing to stop then I’m willing to do the same. In fact I think it would be best that we leave it all behind and go our separate ways. Though I think it’s too late to save this friendship it is far better that we walk away knowing neither of us is out to get the other, my only hope is that it stays that way.
Take care Neile.
>I see my entertainment is back.
Couldn’t help but notice that Rear Admiral Neile Adams brought his blog back up. Interesting considering he said the following in one of his previous PM’s. Here’s the snip it:
BTW how many lurking aliases have you had dear? Mine was no secret I was about to try something with Uru and said the hell with it, it bores me.
And here’s further proof that certain people STILL can’t work that ol revolving door.
So here you are saying that you basically got bored with Uru. And then here you are starting your blog up again for what… the 3rd time now? Wow… You really can’t keep anything straight can you…
>Day 6.
Today was our final day in the holy city of Cyantology. Tomorrow we set course for our half point. Today we had a tasty brunch, then we went to the cemetery to visit my grandmothers and even find some old neighbors buried there. Shopping followed afterwards, but nothing really special. Well that’s a lie… Tor’i did give me birthday presents that she had been slacking on. A beaded bracelet and a matching set of red peace sign earrings and peace sign necklace. Overall a real calm day.
Now it’s dinner time. 8)
>Days 4 and 5
Yesterday was my relaxing day. Today I had a blast at Mysterium. I recorded some footage but that’ll have to wait until I get home from Spokane, I brought the wrong firewire cable. We had hotdogs at the convention. I met Fallstar, saw Marten again, Greydragon was there, Ocelot, Jane, Alah, Eleri, JUNE and LARRY!!!! Rand (Duh), Pigbristles, dadguy, zib, Adnil and so many others. Oh! I saw Kierra with no Zandi’s behind her, and she didn’t drool all over Rand. She did make a beautiful looking cake. I was impressed with all the effort she put into it.
They had good food there. Talked nerd with Dadguy for awhile with the evil Papa Smurf. Talked with June and Larry outside for awhile, surprised the hell out of Dalken, Mystdee and several others (not having a nametag can make things fun).
Everyone loved our hats. Eleri was nice and showed me their Mysterium cookbook. Everyone was great!
I found out some other ineteresting news that’s unrelated. But that can wait until I get home.
>Trip Day 3: Visitz
Yet another nice day passed today. I went to visit my Auntie, then my uncle. Took home some giant zucchini straight from Auntie Kay’s garden.
Went back to the secret bunker I’m staying at. I had a few shots of vodka. And then we had some hot wings and blue cheese with grilled zucchini on the side. omnom.
Good to see Shelby and Woody again. Shelby is the dark one and Woody is the light one. Woody likes to sleep on his back. O_o
I’m sleeping in the art room on a futon. At night when I turn off the lights I can see stars on the ceiling. Kinda reminds me of that one room from Myst. I tried taking pictures but they didn’t turn out right.
Here is that cheongsam I was talking about. Can’t wait to turn it into a shirt!
And here is the decorative teapot that Aunt Tor’i fixed for me. It was usable at one point in time, but when she was getting ready to ship the teaset to me the teapot had an accident. Still. Nice decoration worthy of the Overlord’s living quarters.
Anyway… If you can’t tell things are going good. Not sure what we’re doing tomorrow. But I’m sure it’ll be fun.
>This is allowed at MystBlogs! (But not anymore)
Hey, remember when I was banned from the MystBlogs because of some cosplay pics that DG posted? Well… Those weren’t ok, but apparently ddfreyne approves of this:
This picture was simulcast with a bunch of other pictures in this entry:
So there you have it folks! Anime and Cosplay are not ok, but hot goat sex and naked dudes pissing on the earth? Totally MystBlogs worthy.
Update It’s been cropped.
>Trip Day 2: Made it to point A
The next waking day wasn’t so bad. When we were leaving we got a discount on our room because they don’t know anything about their pricing system. And while we took luggage back out to the car we found a little friend outside.
The weather was REAL hot today. And during one of our stops I just HAD to take a picture of this:
Still trying to figure that one out… Anyway we made it safely to Spokane. My Aunt has given me a pretty gold Cheongsam that was made in Japan. I’m going to have it turned into a shirt! Very beautiful though. I’ll post pictures tomorrow.
I thought of some of you today… And yesterday but forgot to post about it. When passing through the town named Florence I thought to myself “Was this town named after a boy or a girl? And if it was a boy who in the hell would name their son Florence?” Yutram, that thought made me think of you. Then I saw cows which made me think of Hoikas. COWS!!! Too tired to think of anything else.
We had a great dinner tonight. It’s a tradition that whenever we stay with my Aunt and Uncle that we have a pasta dish on the first night. Oh, and straight shots. Overall it’s been nice.
Well I’m beat. I’m getting up tomorrow to go visit people on my mothers side of the family.