We made it to Madras today. Didn’t get followed by cops or hit any cars. Though they did come close to us a couple times today. We’re inland where it’s really HOT. Now we’re in a Best Western Hotel that doesn’t fit the overlord’s needs. The internet sucks ass, and the LAN cable isn’t even good enough for strangling the staff.
Will report in tomorrow evening.
>Super Special Awesome Open Thread
Well, tomorrow morning I hit the road. I’ll have all my digital equipment with me for on scene reporting of things and stuff.
So watch closely for further developments be it RL fun or goatfuckers.
Stay tuned!
>Wutt The Fuck?
It seems Rear Admiral Wutt, everyones favorite fairymen has knocked the dust off his first forum account at the MOUL forum.
Rear Admiral:
I’m sure in some nameless Undisclosed location they are working on something right now.
I’d give names but would implicate myself in their secret operations. And possibly risk public flogging.
Holy fuck there are shards out there??? Impossible. No one and I mean no one has mentioned anything about anyone running shards anywhere. This guy must be out of touch with reality…
He messaged me
(This PM may be monitored for training purposes)
Hook, Line, Stinker, VREEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
Ok, My Bad. I so always misunderstand what you didn’t mean to say. Thanks for the clairification dear.
Well then I’ll just sit here by my lonesome and wait to see what Cyan Legal has to say about me starting my own shard when I get my Static IP. Can’t wait to use the new server! YAY!
Hate to upset you any further Wutt… But that’s a calculator.
>And we meet again.
All bold points are additions I made to his PM to me at the MOUL forum.
To_Mala (best near translation In Babblefish Spanglish ” To Ugly Gurl”,Sister Head in the Clouds, ST Living Vicariously through her family members, and “insert Name here”Some childish jap anim alias,
Good I’ll send Rand a copy of the Slackers Uru Underground CD yall sent me. Yeah you were NOT underground at all were you Twit. Funny how the truth always changes to fit YOU. I laughing really, I am. Besides I cant imagine anyone outside of yer closets butt buddies who would read your tripe(Holy shit talk about the pot calling the kettle black!). So fine with me. I love the time I made you take to break it all down. Oh theres that laughing feeling again. It sure dont take much to keep the monkeys occupied around here.
Well you have a nice day anyway. Love ya, really I do.
The shard owners called it the “Above Ground” since they would be going “above” the “underground” by letting ANYONE in. But seeing as you’re from Dumbfuckistan it’s understandable that you would miss that key point. Anyone in the owners group would have told you the same… And if you actually paid attention you would have KNOWN that.
I hope I simplified that enough for your poor wingtarded brain.
>Surreality 2
Today I got a PM from Neile Adams about my latest entry directed at him. Rather than respond to it in private, I’ll respond to it in a place where anyone can see it.
Your a real piece of work. “real Friends” dont try to fuck with yer head when they tell you problems. They certainly dont get a kick out of seeing the shit fly when they hurt someon.
And I can tell you’ve been having plenty of fun lately.
Thet DO know how to apologise when thyey fuck up big time. And know they are not always right.
You’re right. And hopefully someday you’ll be able to pull your head out of your ass and learn how to treat your friends.
This note is already too much of a waste of my time. I could care less about yer pot smokin, ego totin ass hats.
Which is why you’re responding to me after saying you’re done with me. Carry on.
“Oooh look at me. I can hurt whoever I want cuz my aunt works at Cyan”
As usual yer delusions of superiority has led you to believe yer important cuz your part of a illegal rogue of hackers. Too bad none of you could ever have done it alone. It’s amazing how you have become the mouth piece for all these people I did wrong. I am so glad Uru failed. I knew it would with the scum of the earth viing for control.I pittyanything that comes from this open source crap. If this community has taught me one thing. The internet attracts some real sickos.
Yes, and you’re at the front of the line bub.
BTW how many lurking aliases have you had dear? Mine was no secret I was about to try something with Uru and said the hell with it, it bores me.
Sure… That’s what it is… Just like when “Dame Edna” was trying to do something over at one of Eleri’s websites. Sure…
But as usual I guess you got to htry and hurt and be nasty, when a simple I’m sorry it upset you instead of. “if they get an aliias and come into underground who would know the differance.
We weren’t underground anymore when this took place. Get your facts straight. Oh wait, you’re a wingtard. You don’t know what that is.
You just keep defending your actions because your a little gurl. Trying to use other people to hurt me.
I think I’m doing fine dealing with you on my own, just as I think the other people you pissed off are doing fine without my help.
Trust me once I give up on something its filed burned and deleted. Until I get curious about it again.
Have fun with yer blog. At least you have a place other than yer ming to feel important.
Buh Bye
Wutt/Neile Adams/Admiral Vega/D’Neile/Wingnut Wutt/Everyone’s favorite ruby throated Southern American DoDo:
Till we meet again.
>Vacation beginith
Got home today after the evil 4 letter word ended. Then I went over to PB’s for awhile (made some salad dressing for her). Then we decided to go shopping for awhile. Went back to her place and then we walked down to the docks. It turns out there’s an entire colony of feral cats that are cared for there by the humane society. This skinny little kitten came up to us to say hello. Left me tired…
Time to collapse.
>Open Thread
Tomorrow is my last work day before Overlord Vacationage!
I have much fun planned for tomorrow afternoon. If the sun chooses to stay out…
Wutt/Neile Adams/Admiral Vega/D’Neile/Wingnut Wutt/Everyone’s favorite ruby throated Southern American DoDo:
Thank You I taught her well.
“Read my Disk, There Iz no Uru Underground Shards”
Yes Neile you have taught me so much. They say you can learn much from bad examples. If there was a pictionary depicting epic fail, your picture would be right there, on the faaaar right side of the page.
I have put together a list of what Neile taught me NOT to do.
1. Never disrespect the following people: Friends who give you a place to play, friends who give you part of their webspace, friends who assemble care packages or to be more accurate don’t bite the hand that feeds you.
2. Never cross state borders to meet some hillbilly from second life I hardly even know.
3. Never play second life
4. Never drag my personal problems from RL/Second Life into an uninvolved community
5. Never tell people about what happened in bed with friend from SL unless the authorities are involved.
6. Never ask someone to not let personal problem person into shards that will let anyone in.
7. Never blame my own stupidity from RL on people whom I never met in person.
9. Never be a Drama Queen or a Pansy
10. Never allow myself to be an emotional parasite.
11. Never let myself be petty enough to group in a bunch of people who had nothing to do with arguments with other friends.
12. Did you even stop to notice that I didn’t add a #8? Didn’t think so…
13. Never hide under an alias that people already know about.
14. Don’t make imaginary assumptions about the sex life of someone else when they happen to know about yours.
15. Did I mention never be a drama queen? I did? Just checking!
16. Never send around strange religious emails/political emails to get attention. Just because you’re a failed abortion doesn’t mean you have to shove it down our throats.
I’m sure if Mr Neile Adams hangs around this community I’ll learn more and more Wutt not to do.
So ummm… Thanks for all you’ve taught me? I probably would have been better off not learning these things, but Wutt the heck. Turn lemons into lemonade.
>Just the facts maam.
FACT: on the original UU (= UNTIL!! Uru) site, there was a Big Gnarly Disclaimer clearly stating that Cyan guaranteed UU being up for ONE MONTH only, NO PROMISES whatsoever further than that. It lasted approximately 2 years, which was far longer than I expected and we treasured every moment.
Facts? I love facts!
Here’s one. Rand said at Mysterium 2006 that the UU shards would not be shut down. He said that out loud for everyone to hear, and I wasn’t the only one attending that heard it.
Fact 2, UU started in August of 2004, UU died Feb 05, 2007, over 2 years old nearly 3. Much longer than GameTap and Ubi’s public versions combined.
Yes, I love facts too…
>ZOMG He’s back!!!!
That’s right folks. DorK, our #1 goat fucker extraordinare has reared his head in my presence once again. THIS time at the MOUL forum where he was responding to JWPlatt’s comment in the thread about the shard that was ok’d but not ok’d by Cyan.
After some research – i.e. reading Tomala’s blog – I came to understand that she only speaks in Sarcasm. Once I finally understood that, her language is perfectly clear. I was shocked to have taken so long because I thought I could speak Sarcasm so well, but she is hands-down the master.
Before I put DorK’s comment, this is going to be framed and placed in my hallway…
Don’t flatter her, her ego is big enough!
Did someone say goat?
I would like to let the rest of the community know that it would be impossible for my ego to get any bigger than it is. By watching my mentor Stephen Colbert I know that once it gets big enough it cannot get any bigger. Though I guess you can dream.
I leave you all with an egotistical quote.
“Screw the rules, I have shards.”