The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>Where’s George?

I was sorting my money ut and getting it all organized when I came across a dollar. That’s a regular dollar with a ink stamp on it. You go to the website, fill out the information about the bill, and can see whoever last reported having that bill.

Before it reached me, it was reported that it was last in Bellingham, WA 8 months ago. And now Brookings, OR is listed as it’s 2nd destination.

Lets see how long it will take for the bill to escape the Overlord’s strong money grasp.

>Saturday Open Thread

Summer feels like it finally arrived! Your overlord is very pleased with the heat and the random venturing into the forbidden sunlight. I predict a trip to the river in the near future. I would have gone today BUT I had other plans that involved making money. Which I spend on things and stuff. Like getting my super special awesome hair done.

And lately sorbet has been on my mind. I’ve been trying all sorts of flavors. Lately juicy things seem to get my attention. I don’t have much else to report other than downing an entire wine bottle on Tuesday, that was cool.

On a side note: If you think the Jonas Brothers are evil, you can be the next co author of the week.

>Open Thread.

Turns out I didn’t have much to share this week after all. Other than it’s been real nice outside. Your overlord ahs been enjoying many BBQ’d dishes.

I am also announcing to the community that I shall be partaking in Mysterium 09. Where my face will be on display for all people visiting the holy Rand and his staff.

Your Overlord hopes to see you there. Unless you’re not deserving of the Holy Rand. Then just go away…



Okay seriously, what the feck is wrong with people? So many people in this world just seem to be so wrapped up in their own little delusion of reality that they forget that there are other people standing right there! It’s almost as though nowadays no one gives a damn what the other says and that their opinions should remain unmatched by anyone else’s and absolute.

Quebec, the province where I live, is guilty of this. For years, there have been quarrels between the French and English ethnic groups all fueled by conflicts of the past. Who the hell cares? It’s history, it’s past, get over it and move on! But still, groups like the FLQ (Front Liberation du Quebec, literally translated to “Quebec Liberation Front”) still try to dump more and more fuel to burn on the fires of hate between the French and the English populations of Quebec. Worse still is that this group is also an organized group of radicals who have been charged with some pretty severe crimes (like blowing up Canadian post offices in Quebec during the 70’s). The dumb thing is that many French Quebecoise follow this group’s belief. Now is that to say all French Quebecoise are senseless radicals with a taste for the blood of the English-speaking ethnic groups? Hell no! My grandfather was a French-speaking Canadian and he thought that these types of people were a pack of fools! And that’s all the difference in the end.

Now they talk of separating from the rest of Canada. Hah! Good luck with that. Without Canada, the country that has pretty well provided them, they’d have no money, no power, zip! And who do you think is going to buy them out? The Americans (oh look, more English! The thing we were trying to escape in the first place). If they separate, they’d only be killing their French heritage faster, because in America you need to learn (wait for it…) English! So there’d be none of this crap of “You need to learn French, it’s the language of Quebec!” or “French is higher than English” (which they have basically expressed in about half of what they say). If Quebec wants to separate so it can become a French state… I’m sorry, no one wins!

Oh, now let’s move on to broader perspectives. Anthro, essentially art with animal-human hybrid type characters. Everyone likes Mickey Mouse, right? Well… maybe not everyone, but I’m sure there are those cartoons everyone loved as children. Okay, now Anthro as an art is very fascinating because it allows for a lot more use of fantasy. Anthro has also sparked communities of fans called “furries”. You’re probably saying “Get to the point, already!”. Well, at the same time, like anything else, there is always a gang of haters following the fandom around. Really, who cares? If you don’t like it that’s your problem. Stop ruining it for others you over-righteous douchebags! Now, these fans make things called fur suits (which is essentially like cosplay -oh my!- but they may also be based off of their own fictional characters). That’s not too bad. Except there’s another movement that runs in parallel with furryism called “yiff” (my god, don’t look that up). Yiff is essentially… well, yeah… furry pr0n. Of course, because of this movement, people assume all furries are like the plague. Now, that doesn’t mean they are, it just means there are some perverted individuals. It’s not uncommon to see something like that. Though many argue “It’s not a small group, many furries practice it.” (and even wearing their fur suits… which they do, but that’s just… *hork*). Well it makes sense. Many… ahem… “normal” people watch pornography. Let’s face it, we’re no better. We have strip clubs, peep shows, pornography channels and tapes, prostitution. What does this group got? Naked pics and pr0ny pics, oooooooh, that’s so much worse! Companies like Playboy make millions each year. What does that tell you?

And as if women have as many rights as men, even nowadays. Way back when even during the Dark Ages, women were treated as meek in comparison to men. Time fast-forward! After the fist phase of industrialization in Canada, it was still just as bad as women were paid less for their efforts than men performing the same task. What’s so fair or equal about that? But even today, after hundreds of years, we still haven’t developed fully out of this mindset. You wonder why we have feminist organizations? Why would they have to fight for their rights if equality is prevalent in our society? It’s bad enough that women still aren’t paid the same amount as men, but pornography is considered by many women as defacing towards women in general. This same mindset can be seen in some ads if you bother to look past it (making it worse than yiff since this is supported by all the -hahaha- normal people). In other countries, it’s seen as a profession, but still! It makes people see them simply as objects of pleasure. In reality, all people are… well, people. No more, no less.

As far as I’m concerned, there isn’t half as much equality around the world as people claim for there to be. People just pull the veil over their eyes and choose not to see it. Even then, half of it has to do with power over the other. How can you have power when everyone is equal? But it also ties back to hate. Everyone and anyone can hate on something. It’s so easy to hate, all you have to do is state it and act on it. But what’s the point of hate? Hate solves nothing, it does nothing for anyone except create more hate. But the most important contributor to hate is fear. Fear of others and of anything that seems unnatural. Well… that’s kind of paradoxical seeing as for it to be unnatural it has to have literally not been bore of nature. Yet, women are natural, gays are natural… therefore what’s to be afraid of? In the end, you know what the real problem is? Human stupidity. Yep, I went there! The root of all hate, of all fears, it’s all based on our lack of knowledge of it. As a kid, you are afraid of the dark because it seems so scary to you being unable to see, not knowing what’s in front of you. Yet, when you get to know it, it’s not quite as bad. That’s a very normal fear as it has a valid reason. Yet fear of another person based on their methods or their nationality? Come on, people! That’s just… dumb! It’s because of this we have stereotypes and we have our own separate ideas of these people and why, yes in most cases, we hate others! The uneducated usually end up forming these strange beliefs and the others who are just as uneducated follow it. So yeah, doing it out of power is stupid, doing it out of hate is just as stupid. Seriously!

To close, I’d like to post one of my favorite quotes.

“There are only two things in this world that are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I’m not sure about the universe.” – Albert Einstein

>Saturday Open Thread.

I would like to thank the community for giving me a vacation. I haven’t had to report on anything stupid for an entire week! It must have taken great effort for some of you to do this, and for that you have no idea how glad that makes me.

Good timing too. The ol social calendar was busy for most of the week. Visited the Princess on Sunday, Went out for ice cream after work on Monday, met with family from Florida on Tuesday, cooked on Wednesday, and becoming one with myself throughout the week. No, not the same way most of the community becomes one with “themselves”. Rather, I got in touch with myself. I never find time to do that, but when I do I sure learn a lot about me. I reached deep and found Joy, Inspiration and Hope but couldn’t find Love or Peace. Then I found it after I moved the wallet over. Those are the names of some of the incense I like to burn before I go to bed.

Next week I promise to blog a little more. I have stuff to share. On another note I will be inviting Yutram to be my co author.

You have all been warned.