The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Saturday Night Open Thread

I reached my weekend!… and I feel dead as fuck. Went to work not feeling well today, then an orange cat came and convinced me to take a nap. I just woke up not that long ago, but I’ll probably head back to sleep after I brew some chamomile. Maybe I’ll feel less pain after some more rest. Chuckie is already convincing me to go back to bed with his purring.

Open Thread!

Seeing Stars


Twas feeling a bit on the retro side tonight. I played some old school DOOM… in DOOM 3. Made it to E1M1 to E1M9 in a little under an hour. :v . The original plan was for me to finish up in DOOM Eternal tonight, but my eyes were faaaaar too tired when gaming time rolled around. Nice to take a little trip down Nostalgia Ave.

Evening Open Thread

Work has been keeping me busy these last couple of days at both work and home. I might make up for it during lunch tomorrow, haven’t played much with my Steam Deck since last week. I put a small video together last night, and tonight I did a little animating. Now I’m just enjoying some matcha before calling it a night. The next few weeks of work are going to demand my A Game.

Open Thread!

Silent As The Night

Made it out of the Mausoleum tonight! Also have one foot through the graveyard already taken care of for next time. I enjoyed playing this while enjoying a cherry blossom field candle and cherry blossom tea. I need a little bit of those spring vibes to help counter the darkness. I’m thinking I’ll shift back to playing some more Kena tomorrow; maybe conquer more of the new area I discovered, also Photo Mode. 😛 Speaking of Photos…

November Video Schedule

Videos will start rolling out again beginning this Friday:

  • 11/17: Venturing Into The Dew (Whisker Squadron Survivor Gameplay Only)
  • 11/21: That Time We Played Totally Accurate Battlegrounds (Gameplay Only)
  • 11/27: A Perfectly Normal Set Of Skyrim Clips (Gameplay Only)
  • 11/30: Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light: Season Finale (Gameplay, with an animated ending!)

Animated works are in the pipeline, but probably won’t be seen until after the new year. 🙂

Your Overlord Sez: Stay Tuned!

Stealthy Sunday: TO THE MAUSOLEUM!!!

Made it to the Mausoleum of the Fallen tonight… forgot how much of a pain this area is. I’ve managed to knock out half of the light barriers, plus I did some exploring in areas I wasn’t supposed to. 😛 At the beginning of the Mausoleum level there’s a gap you can shadow jump to, and it leads to outside of the level where you’ll find an open forest that doesn’t have much..

I was a bit stabbier during this session, but they’ve all been stealth kills. I also picked up the ability to send dead bodies to the shadow realm. Figured for a first full playthrough I can afford to be a tiny bit chaotic. I am an Overlord after all. :v For more pics from tonight’s adventure feel free to venture over to yonder Mastodon.

Gloom and Bloom

The lack of sunlight today made me crave some Kena: Bridge of Spirits. I made it to the ruins, cleaned a shrine, won a couple skirmishes, and purified part of the land. Even managed to kill three monsters with an arrow! The small, colorful escape was needed after a week of what felt like grey.

The passing of one friend, and trying to ease the depression of another friend and not knowing what to do have been on my mind all week. After some fun and rest I can recollect myself for a weekend of recovery. I have all kinds of plans ahead of me? What ones? ALL OF THEM. Need to get started on the holiday related bullshit for friends and fam.

Brutal Victory

Accomplished about half an hour of digital headbanging and tower defense. I’m already looking forward to the end of my work week; been a long return from vacation.

In brighter news; I’ll be releasing videos starting next Friday. All of them are gameplay, but at the end of the month I have one with a fun animation I worked on! I might post a schedule when I have more energy.

For now it’s Rest O’ Clock.

Fondling My Deck For An Hour

Chilled this evening with a little bit of Dust: An Elysian Tail on my Steam Deck. I’m currently sitting at 78% completion. Found a chest, a couple keys and some red moss tonight. Also managed to complete a couple quests, good way to kill an hour.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to upgrade to the new Steam Deck or not; the hardware upgrades are good, but the refresh rate isn’t enough for me to really consider it for that. The only thing that makes it tempting for me is the 1TB edition, and the improved battery power… but with my luck they’ll probably release a 120hz model next year with even better features, like cooling when playing 3D intensive games. When I use my Steam Deck I’m always within an area to charge it when I need to, and with what I’ve played on it I get a gaming laptop’s worth or better in battery power, which is enough for me.