>Slacker VS MOUL mod


Alahmat has responded to Hoikas over at Alah’s blog. Here is what Adam wrote.

Hoikas wrote:
This is a prime example of why people don’t come to you. You fly off the handle at the slightest thing. Sure the post probably wasn’t the most tactful thing in the world, and my reports probably didn’t come off all that great to you, but you know what? Maybe there is a message behind all of this. Maybe people are doing this because there is a problem, but feel that even attempting to communicate it to you will accomplish nothing at all.

I know that is how I feel, and I know for a fact that others feel this way too.

So are you going to continue to be a part of the problem? Or will you be a *real* man and become part of the solution?

And here is what Alah wrote. I think it’s best that I break it down piece by piece. Word for word from quote to quote.

Alah wrote:
Okay, so that’s how it is, then. I’m doing everything I can think of to give you an avenue to discuss the problems you have with the MOUL forum, and in return you insult me.


Alah wrote:
What, exactly, would you like me to do to be a part of this “solution” of yours, since trying to behave like an adult and talk to you personally doesn’t seem to be cutting it? Your behavior on the forums, both in the locked thread and through the abuse of the post reporting feature, was out of line and pointing that fact out does not constitute “flying off the handle”. Rather than even make an attempt to communicate your problems rationally, you instead went straight for the most obnoxious way of making your point as humanly possible. Flooding the post reporter with 22 identical (and occasionally sarcastic) reports is not a good way to get me to take you seriously, nor is insinuating that the mods outright refuse to tolerate alternative viewpoints and diversions in conversations when we have been demonstrably trying to ensure that everyone can have their voice heard while maintaining some semblance of order.

Hear that? It’s out of line to report other people talking about the userki, which is a HACK, I guess this means it’s ok to discuss hacking as long as you’ve promised to purify yourself in the holy basin on a regular basis. PRAISE RAND!!! DUNK

Alah wrote:
Maybe the reason we keep reacting the way we do when you and your post-mates show up is because you never attempt to do the adult thing and talk to us in a serious, sarcasm-free manner. Instead, you pull juvenile stunts and defy any efforts made by either the moderators or the admins at Cyan to discuss your problems. I would expect such behavior from a 5th grader having a temper tantrum, and that is how I respond to it.

I applaud you Alah, how very adult of you to say something like that.

Alah wrote:
You want a serious discussion, try doing it without the overblown attitude and sarcasm, you’re likely to get farther that way.

Shorter Alah: I had my funny bone removed at an early age and am in fact allergic to sarcasm. Please don’t use it around me or I might break out in a horrible rash.

Alah wrote:
Sempler may be right, being overly nice is just politics and platitudes, but there is something to be said for tact: people will take you more seriously, and be more willing to listen to what you have to say, if you don’t act like a jerk and ignore olive branches when they’re extended in good faith.

I thought it was a nice gesture of him to take the time and patience to take something that happened over at the MOUL forum and put it on his blog for discussion. Not one single moderator has done the same thing! They could learn something from him.

Alah wrote:
If you’re still interested in being part of a serious discussion, I’m still willing to listen. You’re free to completely ignore my offer, of course, but I can’t think of a good reason why you wouldn’t at least try to make your point since I’m giving you the opportunity. Trust me, I have enough other things to do that if I were going to blow you off and ignore what you had to say, I wouldn’t be asking in the first place.

Really… Hoikas has been going out of his way reporting posts in threads about the userki, and telling Alah his thoughts on the situations. Come on Hoikas, let him know what you’re really thinking.

>Why does it have to come to this?

A couple days ago the 13 words you can’t say on the MOUL forum were posted in another entry of mine, and today I read the MOUL forum only to find they are talking about the userki!!!! And the moderators are ADDING to the topic with their posts!!! What is the forum I know and love coming to???



One person asked why can’t we have both OOC and IC (userki being on the OOC side of the argument), and I say it’s because as In Cavern specialists, it is our duty to tell people what they should and shouldn’t do in Uru. I may not own Uru, but I will go out of my way to tell you what you can and can’t do.

See, it was a bad idea for Cyan to encourage fans to make fan ages, because now it’ll make people want a userki and an adminki, and sooner or later the cavern will be overrun by those damn colored people, those rainbow colored people ruin the purity of our world just as the userki and adminki would if allowed.

Reading down one of those threads I saw this post.

It has all the standard default functions built into the back end of any 3D admin set of functions to move about freely and to change colors, lighting and set special conditions, so it was a repro of a standard debug tool that is widespread in all games for de bugging and is therefore not a mythical or unique invention..basically a master cheat code set up. As such it changes all the IC nature of the experience. It certainly can be fun for a limited area, and if there are individual servers as Cyan has mentioned that would be a place for it, but it threatens the vault integrity of the larger game. But again an excellent topic for discussion and debate as all of these threads are.

The response just irked me to no end.

Don’t listen to him. He apparently never used the userKI. The userKI caused no database issues. Such accusations are the hallmark of ignorance, nor was it a “debug tool.” It was a gift from the UU Administrators in December 2004 to keep people interested in the game.

If I want to believe that the userki causes low gas mileage, brain tumors, sour milk, and spray on hair straight out of a can, then dammit that is my right as an explorer to believe that!

Think about it! I know I didn’t.

>The dark art of hacking is upon us.

This has been discussed on many forums and maybe even some blogs in the past, but community this needs to be addressed.

As you may know, there are people among us who know the dark art. Or as some call it, hacking or even haxx0ring. Hacking is a threat to our In Caverness. Sure it brings us things like fan made ages, but who would waste their time wanting to explore things a Cyan fan made, when you can enjoy a Cyan age? Why I remember when linking into Jalak for the first time, I was speechless and my jaw was nearly to the floor asking myself “who would take the time to make something like this?” Cyan that’s who!!!

This is what sparked me to write this blog entry.


There is a post that got deleted from that thread that says the following:

This is a load of mess BTW as that information likely came from a public whois database.


My heroes at the MOUL board did the right thing in deleting that post. But I think they could have taken it a bit farther. They should have deleted that entire thread since it could be used as a reference to hacking. And don’t end it there either! Delete every single thread or post that has these following words:

Hack, haXX, Haxx0rs, hackers, age creation, adminKI, userKI, slackers, prp, OOC, python, lima beans, and last but not least Until Uru,

You know, if we had more people like my hero Whitch2, we wouldn’t even have this problem. If they hired me I’d do a wonderful job as moderator. Just as long as I have plenty of cheetos and flavorade.


Well community it’s that time of the year again. Cyan is creating MORE, and you know what that means!!! That’s right! It’s high time for the sacrificial pizza to be sent to the Cyan gods. Now sure, some of you cynics are gonna say “Ummm, Cyan hasn’t gotten MORE here yet, why should we celebrate”, and to those of you who would say that I have only but this to say. You call yourself a Cyan fan and you have to ask that stupid question?

Making sure Cyan has enough pizza isn’t the only thing we should be worrying about. We should also be worrying about what names we’ll be using when the time comes, what our KI numbers will be, and if anyone can come up with other things for me to worry about let me know. I’m making a list and checking it twice.

>Say goodbye to OOC


IC is an important part of our online way of life. It’s important to be as IC as possible to one another. The Guild Of Imaginists is a good step in the right direction. But I feel we could do more to make a big change in our community. We need to eliminate OOC completely, for example look at the MOUL forum:


See what I saw? A Technical Discussion, for a GAME!!!! And what else??? A place to talk about spoilers tips and hints oh my! Community there are no hints, tips and spoilers on how to play real life. Why should there be any for Uru?

I also think that there should be some heavier moderation of the suggestions area. For example limit it’s access to it’s best fans in Uru. GOG, UO, Great Tree, etc. Because this community needs more ideas from people like them.