1/4 cup of butter
One quarter of a tennis ball sized yellow onion, chopped
one stalk of celery, chopped
one to two cloves of garlic, minced
1 tbsp of flour
Large pinch of salt
Pepper to taste
1 16 to 18 oz can of diced and stewed tomatoes Italian style or fire roasted with their juice.
2 cups of milk
1 tbsp of dry sherry
2 tbsp of Italian seasoning
1 tbsp of parsley
a few dashes of your favorite hot sauce
Melt the butter in a pan over medium heat. Add the onion, celery, bell pepper and garlic followed by the salt, pepper and Italian seasoning. Stir until vegetables are tender and add the flour and stir till everything is combined. Add your can of tomatoes with juice and stir in with everything else. Let it sit for a couple minutes, then get the milk and add it into the pan. Stir together and let it simmer.
When it simmers, add the sherry and a few drops of hot pepper sauce. Serve hot
Makes 4 servings.
So I was reading Alah’s blog (Praise Alah) today, sorry that’s a lie. So my hired assistant read me his blog entry today regarding torture from the United States. I managed to catch this part:
It runs completely contrary to common sense and logic, and I can’t imagine how the people getting on TV and defending what was done over the past eight years can even stand to look themselves in the mirror every day (obviously, Cheney doesn’t have that problem, because he’s a fucking vampire).
No, Dick Cheney eats Vampires for breakfast. You’re thinking of Karl Rove. Dick Cheney has a black hole for a heart. His bunker cannot be accessed by anything human due to all the hot lava at the center of the earth. And I heard he bitchslapped Satan and took his rightful place there.
Since this is “I am Uru and so can you” I’ll get right to the point. I agree with Alah that torture is a horrid thing. Which is why I wish Myst/Uru community mindfucking would be outlawed. We lose many Myst/Uru fans each day due to their asshat tactics and if we want to survive as a community, we need to step up and torture those who torture individuals with their asshattary. It’s wrong, subhuman, and it needs to stop.
>Let the war begin!
I am Sister Awl of Enlightened Mercy and I call upon all of you to join together and defend our baked goods from the atkins infidels!!!!
Find your name and join the resistance!!!
>Hard times we are in.
In these hard times we face the chance of being laid off, fired, losing our homes and being bound to the streets asking for food or spare change. Or at home begging for money to get a new external drive.
http://www.dpwr.net/alahmnat/2009/04/28 … s-begging/
In light of this, I too am having my own troubles. I have a warn out torn up bed. Could some kind person who is reading this fork over $1,000 so I can get a new one?
This just in! I managed to get my mattress working again by sewing up all the tears and adding patches to it. I guess I won’t need you guys till next time.
>The MystBlog’s Situation
It seems Denis/ddfeyne/Cyan Intern has decided not to let me back onto MystBlogs after several emails back and forth. Apparently I was removed because of some pictures DreamingGirl posted when she was my co author. Seeing this happen, I have decided to publish all emails between the two of us. Mind my grammatical errors please, I hate yahoo…
Hi Tomala,
I have received several complains about your blog’s content, which is appearing on Myst Blogs. Several of your recent blog posts are not appropriate for Myst Blogs.
I have temporarily removed your blog from from Myst Blogs. Would it be possible for you to filter the content from your end so that only specific blog posts show up on Myst Blogs?
–Denis Defreyne
Hey DD,
I talked this over with my co author of the week and we both would like a bit more information as to what people have found inappropriate. Since I run the blog, I can’t do much on my end content wise unless given specifics. I would appreciate it if you would let me know what the complaints are aimed at.
Me again:
I wrote you a couple weeks ago asking what kind of content needs to be removed from my blog. I find it interesting that as quick as you were to remove me from MystBlogs, you are taking your getting back to me regarding my question. If I am to remove anything that readers are complaining about, I first need to know what the complaints are being directed against. Otherwise this is not going to go anywhere. So when you find some time, I would appreciate a response.
Thank you.
From Tomala.
I did send you a reply on March 21st. This is what I said:
> It is not mentioned explicitly on the Myst Blogs and Uru Blogs web sites, but we’d like to keep all content as G-rated as possible. At least two of your recent posts did not quite match that criterium:
> * http://overlordtomala.blogspot.com/2009 … splay.html
> * http://overlordtomala.blogspot.com/2009 … ivate.htmlRegards,
–Denis Defreyne
Ah so you removed me from the list due to an unwritten rule. I guess that makes sense. However, this does not:
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=33352
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=33036
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=32921
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=32709
Not “G” Pictures
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=32667
http://www.mystcommunity.com/board/inde … opic=32420
I don’t seem to understand why you tell me that you try to keep it as G rated as possible and let these people and more pass through with a green light. Here we have some general cursing, a photo of someone in the nude, and PG13 discussions in CyanChat. Mind you these are small examples of my findings. I could always find the rest of them by searching some more at Myst Community.
So, what makes their content appropriate and mine (or rather, co bloggers) not appropriate?
From Tomala.
I couldn’t care less about general cursing. Preventing anyone to say “shit” or “fuck” would not make sense and there wouldn’t be many people left on Myst Blogs. That photo of someone nude is not directly visible since it’s not embedded as an image in the post—instead, it is a link to an image.
“As G rated as possible” is perhaps not the best way to describe the content that should appear on Myst Blogs, but it should serve as a general guideline. The images you posted are almost NSFW, and I will definitely not ever allow such content on Myst Blogs.
The posts which prompted me to (temporarily) remove you from Myst Blogs contain images embedded directly into the web page. This means they show up to anyone visiting Myst Blogs, whether they want it or not.
A solution would be to not include any content possibly not appropriate for Myst Blogs in the actual post, but rather place them elsewhere, and place a link to this separate page in the post, along with a warning mentioning the type of material that is being linked to.
–Denis Defreyne
It sounds to me like the only problem is the pictures. Is it the content itself? Or are people on dialup complaining about the load time to load these pictures. Either way I’ll edit DG’s picture posts and make her pictures into links.
Will that work for you?
Given your inability to understand the reason why I have removed you from Myst Blogs, I’ve decided not to readd you even if you do fix the pictures.
I also believe this matter has been discussed more than necessary; any future e-mails on this topic will be ignored.
My last email:
I apologize for not understanding. I only wanted to make absolutely sure what the problem was as specific as possible just so I wouldn’t make the same mistake again. It wasn’t my intent to upset you or anything of the sort.
I sincerely apologize This is my last email to you.
From Tomala.
You know, just because you’re part of Cyan in some small way, that doesn’t mean you have to use their style of vagueness when telling me what’s wrong at my blog. And even better, I go and edit the “offending” pictures and he decides due to my “inability to understand” that I’m not fit to be back on MystBlogs.
Man what was wrong with me? Why did I ever let pictures of shirtless cartoon characters and creepy cosplay onto my own blog via one of my good friends??? What the fuck was I thinking? Why can’t I be a model community member like Julian Lapis who posts things like this?
Thank you so much for saving the community from Slacker filth. I’m sure all your friends and butt buddies truly appreciate it.
>Happy Birthday to meeeeee
Yesterday was my birthday. I strolled around town enjoying my day off and at the end of the day I got $100, fish n chips and a jaffa cake flavored cake. As overlord I like to enjoy the simple pleasures in life. Some have asked me over at Uru Obsession to share my real face with the rest of the world. And to that I say wait for my first film to be post on YouTube! I’m currently reinstalling my main system (that damn spring cleaning… Plus I can’t get any good minions to do it for me). So when I’m up and situated on my main computer I’ll finish editing my video to all and post it.
Anyway, back to that Jaffa cake cake. San_San makes the best cakes, cookies, muffins and baked goods anyone could ever want. In fact every year at Christmas time she always sends out gift baskets to our closest friends and family all over the world. Too bad she isn’t around more often, otherwise I would have her join up with the United Pastry Jihad.
I could talk about how good her macadamia nut cookies and banana nut bread are. But I think I’ll save that for another blog session.
In the meantime, Spring Cleaning… And now for no reason here is a random picture:
>I know the truth.
Hey check out this book I found on Amazon!
So, G-Man used to go by the name deep throat? Didn’t ever imagine him being that kind of guy…
>Early Morning Open Thread
Yeah… I’m still here. I haven’t been blogging or been up on much lately between RL and… RL. I should warn everyone that I have purchased a digital camcorder. Internet beware! I have plans to share my surroundings from an Overlord’s perspective.
I’m mostly making this blog entry because people think I’ve dropped off the face of the earth/am avoiding them. Don’t worry. I’ll get around to everyone eventually. Just because I’m not saying anything doesn’t mean I’m watching every single one of you. I’ve just either been too busy, too tired, or there are certain things that would be a simple waste of time to address. Like I said to my friends, I should come back around more often or people are going to start thinking I have a life!
Your overlord is tired. I’m going to bed. I might write more later.
>Tales from the DarKSide
We all know why this blog was banned from the Mystblogger community.
The DarK Wars. The battle between Tomala and the dude known as DarK — a.k.a. DorK.
Words were fired like missiles. Insults were batted back and forth like badminton birds in some titanic game of shuttlecock.
And somehow, it was Tomala’s fault.
It’s true, she did whipsaw some choice invective. Some would say the war went over the bend, around the curve, up the flagpole. But only a few people know the reason.
You see, Tomala knew DarK in the days before he was DarK. They were more than friends. They were like big sister and little brother, counselor and counseled, teacher and student, pilot and passenger. He was one of Tomala’s students in her online Sunday School outreach minstry, The Online Path (www.onlinepath.org). Known then as Raoul, a teenager from New Mexico, he showed promise as a bringer of grace, a soother of souls — the sort of enlightened peacemaker that the Uru community so desperately needed. Under Tomala’s tutelage, he was about to become an emissary of light during MOUL’s dark days.
And then a friend emailed Tomala the terrible truth: “Raoul” was not a 17-year-old student from Albuquerque, he was a forty-something adult from Britain. He was not hungry for enlightenment, he had a history of acts with farm animals too lurid to be detailed here.
After such a shocking betrayal, can Tomala be blamed for going a bit ballistic?
In the traumatic aftermath, her life fell apart. She shut down her online outreach program, threw away her entire collection of Little Ponies, gave up her vegan vows and binged on Big Macs for three weeks straight. Wandering despondently through a mall bookstore, she came upon a copy of “500 Dirty Words for Online Warriors.” It was a life-changing experience for a person who previously washed out her own mouth with soap for saying “fudge” and “pack” in the same paragraph.
What the community saw on this blog was just the tip of the iceberg. To this day, the very sight of goats or sheep gives Tomala flashbacks. Hearing “Bah-Ram-Ewe” sends her into tears. Even wearing wool makes her break out in hives.
Currently working with experts in post-traumatic recovery, Tomala is gradually emerging into the world “After DarK.” As a result, in the months to come the Mystblogger community will see a kinder, gentler I Am Uru and So Can You.
Now that the Mystbloggers know the truth, will they reach out the hand of tolerance and beckon this blog to return to the bosom of their community?
We shall see.
>In the Eye of the Beholder
Let’s be honest.
The owner of this blog has a fearsome reputation. There is no doubt about it.
She is rumored to carry knives. To wear Freddy Krueger gloves when typing a post. To collect Little Ponies and hold them against their will.
But in fact, the blogger known as Tomala is an upstanding, churchgoing American who has spent thousands of hours as a volunteer counselor at a local shelter for abused immigrants.
How can a sensitive soul who cries herself to sleep over the pain of Guatemalans have the reputation of an eater of boogers whose real father is Rand? The truth is they are lies, spread by people who wouldn’t know the difference between boogers and pizza-sausage; people who are no more related to Rand Miller than they are to Kevin Bacon.
These rumormongers have mangled the minds of our fellow Cyanophiles. As a result, and through no fault of their own, the barons and baronesses of the Mystblogger community have a take on Tomala that is tragically wrong. Thus her blog was banished.
They shall hear the truth, and the truth shall set this blog free.
Next: “The Whole Enchilada on the True Tomala“