Banishment from the Mystblogger community. It’s a hard bucket of piss to swallow.
Well, any bucket of piss is hard to swallow, but when it’s from our fellow Cyanophiles it’s especially painful. Kidney-stones-the-size-of-Rand’s-head painful.
But it may be just the kick in the bladder this blog needs to clean up its act.
The Mystblogger community isn’t stupid. They know when there’s a blackhead on the communal butt, and they want to see it squeezed. A cleansing of the community pores, as it were.
And who can blame them? Face it, this blog has become a festering pimple threatening to pop. Time for a giant tube of Clearasil. A deep scrub with Stridex pads.
In the coming days I’ll be posting a plan to cleanse this blog of its old evils. To peel away the scabs of cynicism and lay bare the new, pink skin beneath. To wash the wounds of bitterness in the warm lake water of D’ni.
It is time to rejoin the collective bosom of the Mystblogger community.
We’ve been away from that bosom too long.
>New Co Author!
I now banish DreamingGirl from the co author of the week spot and replace her with her own personal choice. You will no longer see disturbing photos from her until the next time I choose her. Grab yer popcorn folks it’s gonna be a fun ride!
>Time for Cuteness
Due to the recent traumatizing of Mystbloggers because of this blog, I have decided to post some cute things to help ease the recovery.
Cute enough for you Mystbloggers?
>I am Uru and so can you. Too hot for MystBlogs?
It appears MystBlogs has taken me off of their list of bloggers due to various complaints. Here is the email:
Hi Tomala,
I have received several complains about your blog’s content, which is appearing on Myst Blogs. Several of your recent blog posts are not appropriate for Myst Blogs.
I have temporarily removed your blog from from Myst Blogs. Would it be possible for you to filter the content from your end so that only specific blog posts show up on Myst Blogs?
–Denis Defreyne
I have replied:
Hey DD,
I talked this over with my co author of the week and we both would like a bit more information as to what people have found inappropriate. Since I run the blog, I can’t do much on my end content wise unless given specifics. I would appreciate it if you would let me know what the complaints are aimed at.
So I get various complaints and don’t even know what they’re complaining about. Where did we go wrong? The ponies? The disturbing cosplay pictures? GMan? Before I comment any further I’m waiting for a response.
It is with great satisfaction I observe that this blog has been removed from .
Apparently Tomalas dirty evilness was too much for the readers of said blog, and the admins were forced to remove it!I say my mission has been a success, I wanted to show you all the truth about Tomala, and now you have seen it!!
And to all the scarred Mysters out there: That’s life!
>More Horror: Ponies
Everyone should know by now that Tomala has an unhealthy obsession with Inuyasha. Yesterday I showed you all her perverted need to dress up as.. yea you saw it.. O_o
Today I’d like to tell you about her obsession with My Little Ponies as a kid. In itself not dangerous, you would say, because so do most girls at a certain age. Yes, but I’m talking about Tomala here. Now combine these three obsessions and what do you get? My Little Ponies cosplaying as Inuyasha chars..
Don’t believe me? Take a look at this, all from her own collection, though I have a sneaking suspicion Freddy might be in on this too..
>To DG. I found what you requested!
A nice bedtime story just for you.
And when you’re done I need you to be my pawn again. I’m bored and I want you to go over and annoy people on the other forums for no raisin.
>Horror Time: Cosplay
As some of you may or may not know, Tomala is an avid cosplayer, and she spends most of her free time making costumes and travelling around with various groups and showing herself off.
I was unfortunate enough to run across her while she was wearing her Rand-outfit, and trust me, those pictures are not suitable for this audience.Why is this so horrible you ask? Well, here are some pictures of her best friends..
>Another 3 day weekend.
Another 3 day weekend.
St Patricks Day was nice. Stayed home out from the cold and drank beer. Today I bought an overlord dress in the harbor area.
As an aside, DreamingGirl forgot to post her own personal collection. Here are some of her favorite pictures.
Don’t ask me why she keeps these around. These are only a small few…
And now one of my favorite pictures for no reason.
>*Yowsa!* A peek through Tomalas private collection!
If you didn’t believe point 3 below, I hereby bring you some evidence. I flicked through her private, sickening collection the other day, and gathered a few that was appropriate enough for this audience. If you think this is bad, you should (not) have seen what I edited away..
The comments for each picture are her own..