The Mind Of OverlordTomala

>In other news…

A new blog sprouted out of nowhere. It is called “You are Uru and yer stupid”

Since Wutt didn’t enable comments on his blog, I offer my blog as his answering machine to his current post. So if anyone has any comments for Wutt/D’neile/Admiral Vega. Feel free to respond. I’m sure he still reads here.

No one is really upset about it. If anything we’re worried about him. He has health issues and his latest behavior has been rather erratic.

>And we have a Co Author!

I’ve really been slacking with the blog. But tonight I come to my descision for Co Author of the week. The community wants it. So I’m going to give it to them!!!!


It has been super depressing trying to blog. What happened to the loyal fanbase that stayed and stayed waiting for Uru? You’d think with Open Sourced Uru coming people would be holding tight. But noooooooo.


Some places give palm readings, tea leaf readings, tarot card readings and much more. I have a different service to offer to everyone!

I can give you the following for free:

Spaghetti readings

Cheerio bowl readings

Alphabet soup readings

Animal cracker readings

And if you would like I am selling tin foil hats. Act now and you’ll get a free pet rock absolutely free!

Come in today and you might be lucky enough to spot me with my tinfoil hat on with a bowl of sacred cheerios in my next attempt to channel the Cyantology frequency…

>Be careful out there.

I have a complaint. I bought some tangerine orange zinger tea the other day and went to try it. The teabag I had was defective. I knew this because when the tea brewed, it came out in a pinkish rose color. So I made another batch, and it wasn’t orange either! After 5 more tries… I came to the conclusion that the entire box was defective.

So I went and bought another box and tried again. SAME THING.

Word to the wise. I think someone sabotaged the tangerine orange tea supply.

>DorK Diaries, Chapter 2: Goatpocalypse Now!


Ladies and gentlemen. Welcome to Chapter 2 of the DorK diaries. In the last chapter there was much verbal masturbation and a slight chance of resolving a war which was then shoved underwater to die a premature death. Now that all bets are off, it’s time to take off the kiddie gloves and have some fun.

And before I create this, I need to quote the last thing that was said in The DorK Diaries 2009 thread.

DannY wrote:

P.S. And to the wicked witch of this blog, I insist you cease calling him DorK. His name is DarK! DarK, dammit! As dark as the inside of his… well, shall we just say the boy is aptly named.

I still say it was a spelling error on his behalf that lead to his name being “DarK” instead of DorK.

I’ll make you a deal, when he stops being a DorK we’ll talk it over…

>Okay, So Here’s My Thing;

I love Uru. I probably always will. All the games and all the fan-created puzzles, playing Online, Offline, KIrc, Alcugs, OOC, IC, Until, Drizzle – I loved it all. I can’t explain it. I noticed on one of the forums there’s a thread about your favorite Uru moments. It brought to mind one of mine: when I finally got Until Uru up and running and my little avatar going nuts in the city – I was on the bridge and I had my first encounter with Another. He was a young Italian kid – we barely understood each other but we understood this much at least – how excited we both were to be there, lag and all.

Through all of it, I’ve only ever just wanted to have fun. I’m looking forward to the evolution of this thing – whatever it turns into. Now I see the Guild of Comedy is going to return – and how cool is that?!? This business of open sourcing seems like it’ll solve a lot of problems – everyone will be able to play the game the way they want. I never did understand how anyone thought they had the right to tell anyone else how they could play a game. Especially one whose mandate was as simple as “be yourself” – or “you are you.”

Until the game returns, I’ve been working (very slowly and with the handicap of too little time and zero math skills) to model my own age, with the help of the tutorials over at the Guild of Writers. Even if it’s never playable, I still want to try – because trying keeps me inside the magic I felt so long ago when I first played ‘Myst.’

And in typical Slacker fashion, I’ll leave you with this non-sequitur:

Road Sign Fail