Today I am tired. I may expand on this later. My brain is on standby. I will have more for you all later, but typing cohesively actually hurts my brain right now.
Your lazy friend BAD
>This weeks co author:
On Sunday morning, BAD will be the co author of the week. I didn’t pick him because he is one of those slackers. I picked him because he’s one hell of a leader. He’s so good at ruling over the GOW that you can hardly tell he’s doing anything! You’d think he is some sort of plain ordinary member or something…
I came upon this choice when using the dart board of destiny, and the dart landed on BAD’s ass.
>Such tragic times we live in.
Does anyone here wish that (I know that Cyan can’t support it at the moment) Uru were going to be Cyan created instead of fan run? I know I do…
Oh God Rand yes! Mainly because I want an official leader to tell me what to do, what to think, and what order I should play the ages in (I hear if you play the ages backwards, you become a Satan worshiper Slackers member).
I feel common ground for those of us who are afraid to think for ourselves. Which is why I’m torn that Cyan would give the fan community it’s own control. Granted, it is nice to think we will see each other again. But that security blanket Cyan gave us back in prologue and MOUL will not exist anymore. It is just tragic.
I’d rather sit in my room staring at myself sitting on the bench in Eder Kemo alone, than be with individuals in an Open Source community. But being the overlord that I am, I’ll join this new community and try to take control for myself. Once I take part in a shard or 12, I’ll have everyones attention. And when I do, I’ll explain at that time why this freedom sucketh so much.
>Profiles In Asshattary.
Today history was made. DorK started a conversation, then he ended it (with the help of veralun).
This is not yours to decide unless you start up your own shard or become part of the administration of a shard.
Sorry what?! I was planning to be running shards, writing shards, and playing the shards. Come heaven and high water I was here to make as many contributions as I could to Uru
Yes, we’ve seen your contributions. It usually involves you pulling your pants down, squatting and grunting real loud. Then dropping your contribution on the community. Followed by you smiling smugly, pulling up your pants and walking away without wiping.
This community will develop based on what the community likes in general. This sort of passive-aggressive bullying will not change that and will in fact hurt the form of Uru you and I enjoy the most. So I’ll say it frankly: Enough. Stop acting like your opinion is the only one that matters.
My opinion does matter though, and to me it is my only opinion, and I now take this stance because everyone else around here does, why should I be any different?
Shorter DorK: Opinions like mine aren’t being heard loudly enough, so here I am with my Air raid siren! Now our message will be heard!
My only difference is that I state what I mean, instead of writing long essays that don’t actually mean anything, I am sick to death of reading mountains of drivel on a topic, when 3 lines would have done it
I could condense the last few posts down to a few lines saying why that person doesn’t agree with the OP
3 sentences instead of a long post? I think I can give it a try.
Short and sweet
1: I see your fingers are brown.
2: Your keyboard is brown, but it shouldn’t be.
3: I’ve come to the conclusion that you are overflowing with crap to the point of it spilling on the floor.
That was the short part, now for the sweet part:
Anyway back to the point, I was stating … if we turn this game into second life, I might have as well gone and played second life.
Shorter DorK: I can haz Second Life?
I believed that all I did was state fact, and make a request. If people can’t see that I posted, perhaps we should take the internet away from them from fear of them injuring themselves?!
So, how come you still have an internet connection?
While there are parts of Second Life,etc. I do not like, their implementation will be based on how popular that implementation is and not my preferences.
Erm … soooo ?! What exactly are you saying here?
There are parts to Second Life you don’t like? You then seem to jump somewhere else about implementation will be based on how popular implementation is and that it’s not your preferences?
I read what Whil says, and I can understand it loud and clear. I read what DorK said, then suddenly I smelled something burning. It turns out my head spontaneously combusted. I had to dunk my head into the sink to make the pain stop. English DorK, do you speak it?
I know there are many people who like a wide variety of things about Uru and your post hurts that
Erm no it supports Uru. If I play music from Uru loudly, and you play music from second life louder what is going to be noticed more, Uru’s music or Second Life’s?
Lets see, right now I’m standing between Whil and DorK. On one side I’m hearing all kinds of good music, rock n roll, jazz, pop, rap, he’s got a bunch of music to include everyone. On DorK’s side I’m hearing Lunatic Fringe.
So I say to those who are rightfully-offended by DarK’s post: Ignore it.
Please do … I rather be ignored and shown to be right, than paid attention to and be proven wrong.
Actually, there is nothing I can do to this line that DorK has done to it already.
The version of Uru you settle in can and likely will be whatever you want.
But then you won’t be playing Uru. I head into “
YourMy Uru” and ask to explore an age, the reply I get would probably along the lines of “Age what’s that, but hey you can decorate things in your home grid, try out this colour on your garage! Or if you move the sofa in front of the house, you get a free banjo”
You might be a British redneck if…
Please consider your idea/suggestion etc in relation to the fact that you are a human being and that you have as much a right to be here as anyone else.
And please consider that I have as much right to state facts and request that people don’t walk on my lawn as well.
Here’s a fun fact. DorK has his head up somewhere, here’s a hint. It has nothing to do with the clouds. I can state facts too!
Uru does need many of the features/ideas from your suggestions.
What suggestions?! That uru doesn’t need things for second life; please make your mind up.
I have a suggestion, how about all the people who think the way you do get your own shard. Everyone needs their own place, and you deserve your own (for everyones piece of mind).
If you are going to be suggesting we add a feature from other games, please stay here and debate the idea, and the feature you will be suggesting might become a feature of this game.
All I want is a control procedure, some community officially stamped “cyan style” content, where I don’t have to shell out, collect items, or be in a special clique of friends to get access. And at 6 pm I want pizza served to me, at 7:30 I want my diaper changed, at 9 pm I want my nightly laxative dose. Then at 11 pm I want someone to come in and read me a bedtime story (Ernist goes to camp), give me warm milk and sprinkle talcum powder on me bum. At 7 am I want oatmeal, served to me via a spoon or a funnel. And at noon I had better see a fully stocked shelf of vasaline and cheetos in my bedroom.
I don’t want much here but to retain Uru and carefully add to it in a respected fashion
Now is not the time to be alienating people, DarK. Now is the time to understand that people have different ways of enjoying Uru.
No the time now is to stop walking around on egg shells, put all the cards on the table and be counted. Uru is full of non-committed people who are always willing to add a suggestion or twenty, and then complain about it when it doesn’t happen; many people seem to enjoy that somehow?
You seem to.
But not if you drive them away. You will kill Uru through your intolerance.
I will kill my Uru experience though my own actions and take as many people with me as I can thanks very much.
Ohhhh so you’re a suicide coder. We do not submit to terrorists.
To be honest, it’s really getting to the stage where I can’t be bothered any more. I am guessing I will have to see a vast improvement in co-operation, the ability for people to communicate things correctly and for a lot of people to get their heads out of their backsides to understand that they are not the only people in the world and that it doesn’t revolve around them.
Pfft another 30 minutes wasted…
First, you’re just jealous because you thought you were the one and only guy that had his head in his backside. Second, you can count? Wow! And tell time? There might be hope for you yet!
Today you accomplished something. You helped get your own thread locked. And that’s something.
>Postcard from DorK
Some of you may remember that I started the DorK diaries awhile back. Sadly around that time DorK went away. I often worried about him, however… Today I got a postcard from him. Apparently he decided to take a trip to the continent to visit some old friends.
I kinda miss having him around the blog… He was fun entertainment. Speak of the devil, did anyone see this?
Uru is NOT Second Life or There or any number of other alternate reality reality games … (you heard me!)
Please consider your idea/suggestion etc in relation to these types of games before posting. Uru does not need many of the features/ideas from these games. If you are going to be suggesting we add a feature from these games, please go play Second life or There, as the feature you will be suggesting is a core feature of that game. Second Life || There != Uru This has been a public service announcement for the sake of sanity! |
He represents sanity? We’re boned…
You know, he could think of it in a more positive light. He could build that goat pen age he always wanted!!!
Just kidding. The British like sheep. You can tell because he hangs around the MOUL forum.
>Open Thread
Spellbreaker wrote: |
Shorah to you all my friends.
I am a Myst-Fan from the beginning, Games, Books, Fansites, and of course URU. I was a beta tester for the first try, and have been in Uru until gamtap shut down. Cyan. I really appreciate what you are trying to give to the community. But you should think over it again. The Step of MORE will simply destroy the Myth of Myst, because only you are able to continue expanding that great universe. And yes, I know your are not able to do that at the Moment. But I beg you, Cyan, Rand Miller: Let Myst rest in Peace. It has been a great Adventure ( myst and uru ), it was fun, sometimes annoying ( overcrowded City anyone? If your company gets healthy enough in the future, you should focus on a new Myst adventure, or maybe something complete different that blows our Mind. But don’t do that open source stuff. It will destroy Myst, if there isn’t a company like Cyan which controls it. So please, Rand, do not do it. Sincerly, Spellbreaker. |
Here’s an idea. In the past we’ve had petitions to bring back Uru Live each and every time it closed. So how about we have a petition to not bring back Uru?
Either way it would be just as effective…
>A break from the norm.
When I inadvertently gained the guest Blogger position for this week i had no idea what to blog about.
Being a member of the URU community, though only a sleeping member which is less than lurking, it would be normal to blog about something to do with URU or its community.
But I’m not going to do that..
Instead I am going to blither on about things and stuff..
First of all I’d like to bring your attention to what I do other than my main job as the secret Supreme Coordinator of all things and stuff that is URU.
When I am not running things from behind the veil of many faces spread throughout the community, I like to work on my many projects of self entertainment. This includes toying with the minds of those who within my mind rays, making them do and say things of no real meaning or importance. This in turn throws forum threads off topic and into turmoil. Though it seems URU related it is really just a hobby..Other than that i dabble in the art of 3D.
examples of this can be found here: the-bongmaster.deviantart.com , I must warn you that there may be things you wish or wish not to see, but that is not of my concern since i put them thoughts into your minds when you visited this page.
Other hobbies include Arduino www.arduino.cc , Radio control flight, Composing Mew songs (songs with the words replaces with “mew”), and finding new ways to torment the minds of those closest to me in the most loving way possible.
All this takes my mind off the continous task of making sure the community remains in a state of perpetual dissaray from within my egg shaped capsule hidden within the cavern of D’ni where no one will find it.
True you are thinking “ah but how can this all be a secret if you are telling us all this? your cover is blown!”.
Well its simple.
Yoy will forget this easily, as you wil be distracted by the man now in your closet turning all your shoes up the other way.
Also those who do remember wil be deemed as conspirecy theorists, naturally.I thank you for your controlled attention.
Good day to you Sirs and Madams.
wherever you are…