A Spirit Guide’s Path is a Lonely One
Despite being a tad rusty – I still managed to thwart not one, but two boss battles! I was treated to a very deep and emotional cutscene that looked like it could have been displayed in a movie theatre. Playing it with matching mood lighting and calming tea made it all the more satisfying! There maaaaaay have been some strawberry mochi to go with it. 😉
For what little time I had to set aside for gaming tonight I did progress further than anticipated. I was expecting to only fight one Boss tonight, it was nice to be able to squeeze in an extra! Plus I was able to leave off in such a way that I can just venture off onto new paths, when I return to it of course! 😛
If you want to see more pictures I have more over on Mastodon!
Making Time For Time Travel
Started on Test Chamber 19 tonight, ended up Test Chamber 22! Only a few more chambers and I can add this to the completed list! I’m totally giving this a positive review when I finish it! These Chambers have been really fun to fry my brains over! I’m now at a point in the game where I have to combine everything I know to get through the remainder of the game. Now to take another long break until I decide to continue the final leg(s) of my journey. I’m thinking tomorrow’s game time will involve something with more exploration…. possibly in an indie universe? I’m thinking either Lost Ember or Kena: Bridge of Spirits.
SFM: Gather Round Teh Bonfier
Got around to doing a little SFM yesterday! Unfortunately this isn’t going to be an animated piece. Instead I needed to come up with a fake game cover, and despite how simplistic it is I kinda like it on its own.
Video production has been going well, though there hasn’t been much in the way of scenes for me to animate. I only have gameplay to share, and not much inspiration to animate any scenes. I’m hoping that will change, though so far it has made for snappy production. I was going to delve into some Wonderlands footage tomorrow, which is dwarfing my Skyrim footage at this point.
Thanks 4k Recording!
Who Wants To Stab a Millionaire?
Would have been funnier if The Millionaire was a Pachinko Machine, but it was fun fighting a One Arm Bandit, and even better watching it self destruct. This gets me to a little over 87% completion!
It’s been an Unreal weekend! Even the video I released today used Unreal! I think I’ll do something Source related tomorrow, like Portal Reloaded? I’ve been using a lot of swordplay and magic, gotta balance it out with some science!
Checking Out Ghostwire: Tokyo!
It’s Day Two of my Three day weekend, and I’ve been keeping it Unreal! I’ve had my eye on Ghostwire Tokyo for awhile now, and thanks to a recent sale I finally decided to pick it up! It runs really well at 4K, has stunning visuals, the Japanese voice acting is superb and so far the combat and stealth have been pretty easy to pickup on.
Step into the shoes of Akiro: Who has recently ceased to be due to a vehicle crash. You’re only alive because of a soul that tried to possess you, and the two of you team up together for a crazy night out on the town.
Your original goal was to visit your sister Mari in the hospital, and thanks to your new soul mate you do actually achieve that goal, kinda…
I’m currently on Chapter 2! Just unlocked access to a bunch of sidequests before saving to take a break. That’s another thing I like about this game; I can save at any point I want instead of relying entirely on checkpoints. My only complaint is the lack of a quickload/quicksave function, but everything else in the game makes up for that one shortcoming. Oh, and there’s Photo Mode! If a game has Photo Mode that’s already a win-win.
Take It On The Run, Baby
Everything about my Three Day Weekend has been according to plan, which is impressive because I didn’t make any plans! I slept in, made some shrimp fried rice and a cucumber tomato salad for a Chinese Brunch, gave myself a bit of a spa treatment, finished up another Skyrim compilation video and finally got my inner cyber ninja on in Ghostrunner. I forgot how fun this game was, in fact…
Do you ever step away from a game for so long that you end up forgetting how to play? I had to go back to square one just to remember the controls. While I didn’t progress past where I left off – I did at least get an achievement for surviving a run without dying! So I had that much going for me at least. The last time I played this it was on my Steam Deck, which performs ok but realllly turns it into a hand warmer. I enjoyed it on a 4K screen tonight, with my only complaint being that mods don’t seem to work at all when I install them… I’ve tried a few seperate sword mods at the Nexus and I can’t get any of them to load, despite following the mod instructions to a T.
T’is a mystery that will have to go unsolved for now.
That’s One Hot Dinosaur
We made it a few more levels into Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light! Together we solved a few challenge tombs, and died everywhere else over and over again in a variety of comical ways that may hopefully provide some potential footage! There’s also a sliiiiight chance that we might have also solved areas in ways we weren’t supposed to… I’ll have to look up some gameplay footage just to compare. 😛
It’s looking like we’re not far from finishing the game. I only have a few more achievements to get and then I can add another one to my completed list! It feels so strange finally being able to say that I’m actually finishing some of these games. Between my Steam Deck and our Weekend Jam sessions I’ve been completing a large selection of stories, and setting myself up for plenty of new ones. More pics can be found over on Mastodon!