The Mind Of OverlordTomala

Bloodstained Sunday

Hard to believe that it’s been almost a year since I’ve last set foot in Bloodstained: Ritual of the Night, but I made progress! I even found the Oriental Secret Lab just before calling it quits. What little I’ve seen has been beautiful so far, much like the rest of the game. I might even play a bit more on Steam Deck before bed, if only to see a bit more of the lab!

Evening Open Thread

Rendered a video for next week, helped a friend’s friend select parts for a new PC build and did a few Yakuza things while sipping on some sencha and vaping a watermelon after a long day of dealing with asshats. There wasn’t much questing but I did knock out a few fuckwits to get a little bit of stress out before calling it a night.

Open Thread.

Returning To Shadow Warrior in 2023

Enough time has passed since I last completed Shadow Warrior that I’ve decided to revisit it. With only an hour to spare it seemed like a good idea to set myself up for a bit of achievement hunting. I played it on Casual last time, not sure of how difficult it could be. This time I’m jumping into Hard Mode now that I’m a little more seasoned.

I’m also thinking of installing it on my Steam Deck, just to see how it handles… and finish it faster!

Sunday Digital Adventures

Decided to play Shadwen this afternoon. Made it to Chapter 4! Trying for the non violent route for my first playthrough.

Since we’ve pretty much finished Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands; Yutram and I ventured off towards the Temple of Light. We were a little rusty, but persevered like we usually do. There’s also some promising footage that I’ll have to go through. I forgot how fun this one was! Even when we were accidentally screwing each other over.