I’ve been crafting a Commander Keen config for my Steam Deck! I’m getting tired of opening the on screen keyboard to save my progress, or answer old school dialogue windows. I also put in a radial menu for save numbers! It’s like having a computer built into a better Steam Controller. Once I’m happy with it I’m planning to make it public. There are already a few other configs to choose from on the Workshop, and I’d like to contribute! 😀
Sunday In Spaaaaaaaace!
Some friends and I got together for a wee bit of GMod tonight. Lara Croft got her yacht stuck on Rainbow Road, so we decide to pull it for a lap. It was an hour well spent!
This Is What The Steam Deck Was Made For
Taking a break from my Metroidvania streak to appease my inner five year old, by playing Commander Keen on the Steam Deck! I always thought this would have played well on a GameBoy. I just had to wait a few years. :v
Friday The 13th Open Thread
Wiped after another long day, long week. I need to start planning a getaway soon.
Open Thread.
Beating Down The Backlog: Outland
Made more progress in Outland today! It took several tries, but The High Priestess was no match for The High Overlord! It was a tough battle, but eventually it became kinda like a game of Simon to me, only if you fuck up you’ll die.
Evening Open Thread
Tired, listless, can’t think of much to say. I’m drinking peppermint tea? I had fish n’ chips? The world is still a very fucked up place? Fuck it. I’m taking the night off.
Open Thread.
An Early Build Of Left 4 Dead Surfaces
There have been quite a few different leaks lately if you haven’t been paying attention. One in particular being the early building blocks for what would eventually become Left 4 Dead!
I remember reading on the wiki years ago that Left 4 Dead was originally going to be called “Terror-Strike”, and now after watching this it makes more sense.