The Mind Of OverlordTomala

An Early Build Of Left 4 Dead Surfaces

There have been quite a few different leaks lately if you haven’t been paying attention. One in particular being the early building blocks for what would eventually become Left 4 Dead!

I remember reading on the wiki years ago that Left 4 Dead was originally going to be called “Terror-Strike”, and now after watching this it makes more sense.

Small Bit of Progress in Portal Reloaded

I solved a couple chambers on my Steam Deck during lunch today, and obtained the legendary THREE PORTAL DEVICE! I haven’t gotten around to firing the third Portal yet, still understanding how to traverse time. Wibbly Wobbly etc etc. If you haven’t heard about Portal Reloaded check out the trailer! It’s free if you own Portal 2!

Imagination Overflow

I went through the motions of chopping up a GMod video tonight, and it’s giving me some interesting ideas. I don’t even think I’ll use most of the footage… I’m kinda curious to see how it would pan out if I mostly animated it. It’s just a matter of seeing if I can gather up the necessary assets to pull it off, and given that GMod and SFM both run on Source there is a likely chance. I would have to take a video hiatus, but I think it would be worth it if everything came together.

I’ll allow tomorrow’s slightly more awake brain determine that. I’ve done enough for tonight.

Perfect Day Of Nerding

I enjoyed my bonus day off by making a breakfast tostada, relaxing in comfy clothes while listening to the pitter patters of rain, researching Mastodon installation stuff, and sitting down in the directors chair to go over some video footage! Within the last couple of days I’ve blown through a couple hundred gigs that I don’t need anymore. I finished going over some footage from Yakuza Kiwami 2, unfortunately it’s all stuff that I have to shelve for now. There will be at least one Yakuza video later in the year. For now? I have a few Skyrim videos slated to go out this month!

As far as what to chop up next? I’m setting aside some GMod footage that probably has no value. I might also tear back into the VM to install more things in perpetration of the Mastodon server.