The Mind Of OverlordTomala

All Aboard! Or Else!

I managed to put a good dent into the project tonight! I’m about 14 seconds into animating it, out of over five minutes. Nothing too stellar, yet… It all has to be done in baby steps.

Until then, we have this to look forward to next week!

Hopefully it makes up for the sudden barrage of 99% gameplay video I’ve been cranking out. It’s probably going to be my number 1 fave of the entire year, next to what follows. 😛

Constructing More Nonsense

Over the weekend we did a recording session for my current project! It was easily the longest one we ever did, totaling almost an hour of a couple of nerds just yelling silliness into microphones. Followed by my ears having to endure editing it all down to a little over five minutes – which means I’m gonna really have to bust ass on this if I want it to be done by New Years.I might get a dent into this during my next round of time off coming up at the end of the month. Until tomorrow though, the project stays at this frame.

Portal Re-Reloaded?

Today at lunch I decided to revisit Portal Reloaded! If you’ve never played it – Portal Reloaded is a free mod that owners of Portal 2 can download via Steam! It’s a Portal game with a twist, you have your two typical portals, and a third Portal to take you back and forth between the Present and the Future.

I didn’t get as far as I wanted to, but now that I have it moving forward on Deck I might be able to finish it!

Soaking In Dreams and Imagination

I had one of the best, deepest sleeps last night. It gave me enough energy to finish writing that story, and allowed me to spend the rest of this cold cloudy day to mess around in Klonoa!

This game has boss fights that are as challenging as the characters are adorable, even most of the enemies. I lost numerous lives trying to defeat this fucking bastard, and I’ll have to go back again because I somehow missed a bitch. I’m thinking it’s time for a little break.

Friday Evening Open Thread

My bro and I joined forces and made dinner together tonight! I bought a ribeye and chopped it up. We mixed in some snowpeas, shrooms, and homegrown carrots with a soy miso sauce and soba noodles with just a dusting of green onion. Sadly I didn’t take a picture, but I can confirm that it hit the spot. We served it with some blueberry sencha green tea. It slapped.

I’m happy that tomorrow’s my Friday! It’s been a busy four day work week. I haven’t even been able to touch my Steam Deck, and I still have to finish up that script! I should be able to finish that up after work… then maybe goof off in some form of game universe! 😀

Perhaps one with a certain Bandicoot…

Imaginative Unrest

I finished up my cosmic melon! Unfortunately I’m not in a position to show it, but now I can move onto reading over the script I wrote during vacation. Now that I’ve made an imaginary flyer – I need to go over the script to see what my imagination says, before offloading it onto other imaginations for review. I plan to start animating it next week. There is no ETA for when it will be done, but I’m aiming for New Years.