R I P Bobbi

I had a hard day at work today. It was insanely busy and most of the time this evening there was only one person running everything upstairs due to lunch scheduling and calling people to backup check. That wore me out royally… then it went from bad to worse. Our cat Bobbi passed away today.

I knew she wasn’t much long for the world, she had what was called “Manx Syndrome”. It’s a birth defect that some manx cats are born with. They have fewer vertebrae which leads to early arthritis and loss of bowel control. For the last few years she has been having trouble getting around but didn’t show any signs of distress. Despite her problems she was a happy cat, always mewed and was very protective of our younger cat Stewie. Tough one too. Only 4 pounds and she could scare off a giant pitbull.

I was told that she passed away on top of one of our new flower pots (similar to the one in the picture). She always liked to sun bathe in those. We think she died in her sleep. So if it’s any kind of bright side she at least died doing what she liked, and I can have peace of mind knowing that she doesn’t have to suffer with those problems anymore.

Goodbye Bobbi, you’ll be missed.