Remember Aperture Tag?

Remember Aperture Tag?

I can’t even remember the last time I tried to play Aperture Tag, but I’m farther than I made it on my previous attempt. I made it to the 4th Chapter before taking a break. This is the Portal 2 mod that people got pissy about because you had to pay for it, which was a bit of a controversy when it first released. It wasn’t really that expensive ($6) when it first came out, but my beef with it at the time was that it kept crashing under Linux way back in the day.

My only other complaints now are the autosave feature; in regular Portal 2 you can save at any given time, and you can also do that with Aperture Tag BUT… it will only load your most recent save, and that has almost screwed me a couple of times. Sometimes it will automatically save while you’re in midair for example, possibly over pools of acid. There’s also no cloud saving capability, meaning if I want to play this between the Steam Deck and the TV PC that I’ll have to manually copy the saves… meh.

I’ll probably just make an effort to play it on just the Desktop… in due time, of course.