>Slackers Greifing Stories Chapter 2

>Slackers Greifing Stories Chapter 2

Last night I had a hell of a time with a greifer that visited my server. The guy was in my friends list too and he saw me in a game with Ivan_Fookinov. He wanted to join in and I had no problem. It was supposed to be a easy match so that we could practice a serious match after so many goof off matches. He decided to be an ass and run off ahead to the safe room and steam all the health kits. He even tried to tell us that there were never any! Soooo I opened up the admin list and incapped him instantly, then I helped him up, dropped him etc etc etc. Then I set the safe room on fire, sent an airstrike in there to his coordinates, killed him and revived him so that I could kill him again. Eventually I had to permaban him for being a total fuckwit and I removed him from my friends list.

I wish I was filming it… It was fucking hilarious.