So, women are at fault for the MRA declaring violent video games an evil.

So, women are at fault for the MRA declaring violent video games an evil.

Taken from Manboobz.

The most important reason why LaPierre is wrong is because what he is doing is feminist. Video games are an activity predominately enjoyed by men. So are guns. Both activities are under attack from feminists (just like other predominately male activities like science fiction are) because men are interested in them and women are mostly not interested in them. LaPierre is shooting himself in the foot (pun intended) by alienating allies among the video game community and helping out feminists in their war on male activities.

This makes me laugh. I mean… look at how much I hate violent video games. My Steam profile speaks for itself in how much I hate games like CS:GO, TF2 etc. Hell even viewing my YouTube channel while I play said games will chop a guys balls clear off.

Oh of course… I’m clearly doing it to be an attention whore core. Yeah… I’m the enemy. 😀