Soulja Boy made me side with Nintendo for once

Soulja Boy made me side with Nintendo for once

One of the things people have been talking about a lot in the gamer realm recently is Soulja Boy and his totally legit non ripoff console that came bundled with a bunch of roms. It was later found out that the console was actually already being sold as a generic classic console, and was changed up slightly to fit his brand. Of course when it was pointed out to Soulja Boy that it miiiiight be a bad idea to have Nintendo’s game rom’s on his console without Nintendo’s permission he couldn’t give two shits…. until Nintendo forced Soulja to bend over.

Rapper Soulja Boy seems to have had a change of heart when it comes to advertising his ‘consoles’ and putting them on his SouljaWatch website. He has since taken them down presumably because of an impending lawsuit. The ‘consoles’ looked suspiciously like other consoles on the market and included games from retro Nintendo platforms and others, which he didn’t have permission to sell or obtain.

I still have to wonder though, how did this shit get passed Soulja Boy’s PR people? I don’t think you’d need to be a gamer to think about the copyright aspect of it, especially as often as Nintendo is brought up for being the Oprah of lawsuits and cease and desist orders. I just don’t see how something like this could have been instantly marketed, the damned console looks like a ripoff XBone.