Steam goes head to head with Discord

Steam goes head to head with Discord

In case no one has noticed yet, Steam has done an entire overhaul on their chat and buddies system.

Appearances seem to be in line with Discord and other similar chat services. If you have your own Steam Group you can make separate text and voice channels (which is a bit broken at the moment of writing). Have an image you want to share? You can upload pictures in both a private chat or within a group. Also, much like Discord you don’t even need the Steam client open to enter a chat. Making it actually possible to use Steam chats on a mobile device.

The buddies screen has an area where you can drag and drop your friends (and even group chats) for easy access, and you can move them around to suit your needs. Another interesting feature they’ve added groups friends together in your list if they’re all playing the same game title, which I guess could make it easier to find a friend playing a multiplayer game and formulating evil plans on how to pester them. :zorak:

I’m not sure if I’ll make much use of these features, but this change was much overdue. So far my only complaints are how big it is, would be nice to scale it down to a minimalist setting like Discord offers. Of course for me Mumble is king. :v: