Steam Room to be opened back up.

As the Supreme Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord, I hereby declare The Steam Room to be open for all to view. I also declare that the ten post rule will now be lifted and all forum members will be able to post. Guests will not be allowed to post as #1: I will not give bots a chance to post pr0n here and 2: I will not allow guest sockpuppets to come in. If you want to say something, join up and say it. I’ll let you in no matter how annoying I think you are. King Asshat enjoys the company.

Enjoy your steamy topics without having to login. THE OVERLORD HATH DONETH SPOKENITH!