SteamPlay testing 9/3/18

SteamPlay testing 9/3/18

Here’s today’s roundup of games tested under Proton using some more modern game titles:

  • Quantum Break: Worked until I tried to talk to one of the NPC’s on campus, then it Quantum Broke my machine and I had to restart. Frame rate was extremely low despite setting to the lowest settings.
  • Wolfenstein II: The New Colossus: Other than some small strange facial glitches the game ran perfectly with no performance impact whatsoever on the highest settings. Praise Vulkan!

Wolfenstein II was most of my prime focus for today, felt good to blast nazi’s again AND on a different platform! I’m surprised it hasn’t been whitelisted yet. For me this runs better than DOOM 2016 (which would be perfect if I could figure out how to get the damned mouse to function). I wish Quantum Break worked just as well… I played that under Windows 10 last night and I think I’ll have fun with that one. I think I’ll save that game for another post though, it was a lot to take in despite only having played it for an hour.