Indika Is An Interesting Game


One day while doomscrolling through the Fediverse I came upon Indika; A game about a young girl named Indika, who happens to be a nun in an alternate 19th century Russia. She goes on a journey of self discovery, and meets an unlikely companion along the way. Indika is an indie title with a team so dedicated to finishing their project that they (10 out of 14) had to flee their homeland of Russia in order to finish it. That alone made me curious to see what this game had to offer.

Indika gathering water from a well to fill a barrel for a cunty nun.

When you start the game it doesn’t take too long to realize that Indika is an outcast amongst her own. She’s forced to reside along a coven of bitchy babushka nuns, and performs tasks her sisters give to her. All the while she is narrated by The Devil himself, who is also a voice in her head. Eventually Indika has to leave the church to go on a journey of self discovery. When Indika isn’t wandering the frozen lands looking for items for basic puzzle solving, she relives childhood flashbacks in a more pixelated environment.

Indika having a flashback to a time where she raced her father on an oven powered bicycle.

When the game starts she actually falls through space, and later she has a flashback with her father and their oven powered bicycles. The game also gives you the option of collecting points that don’t do anything… or do they?

Indika being eaten by the big bad wolf.

So far it has been a interesting, unique adventure. Like if classic Resident Evil centered around a nun who goes on regular acid trips. It has the right level of intrigue and horror for me to recommend checking out during Spooktober!

Overcoming The Heart Of Darkness

Finished American McGee’s Alice tonight, overall I had a good time with it. Some of the game mechanics haven’t aged well, but the story, music and overall weapons made it all come together. I think my favorites were the deadly jacks. They did an incredible job with the idTech3 engine, I kinda wish they had a multiplayer deathmatch mode. 😛

Now I can properly begin Alice: Madness Returns next time I need to get my fix of Alice. Not sure if I’ll start a new game, or if I’ll continue on from the save I already had. Might be a good idea to do the latter to refresh myself on the controls. Save that for another time though, tomorrow I have a few digital science experiments to tackle, and maybe continue a video project.

I Finished Bastion! (Or Did I?)

Finally finished Bastion! Well, got one of the two endings at any rate.Now that I’ve unlocked NG+ I’ll have to go back and get all the other swag and achievements I missed. Not even half of them are unlocked, something I’ll have to grind on an evening where I feel less tired.

The Red Queen Awaits

What’s this? A game that isn’t Resonite? Apparently I still play other games? I finally made it past the Royal Rage in American McGee’s Alice. The boss was a total thorn in my side until I figured out what I needed to use to thwart the bastard a second time. Now I’m on my way to the Red Queen… who knows how long it’ll take for me to get there. I’m close to the end, but how long until I decide to play it again? At least I got through the boss battle…

The Hunt Was Strong In This One

I traded getting pummeled by an annoying corrupted spirit for running trials and other adventures in Horizon Zero Dawn. Killed 10 Frostclaws, made it to Level 58 and have most of the trial awards. It would be nice to get that wrapped up before continuing the main story line. We’ll see what happens on the next playthrough. 😛

Another Adventure At My Fingertips

According to Steam; Tomb Raider Underworld is not supported on Steam Deck, even though that’s where I took this screenshot! It felt weird playing it in my hands, especially since I remember having to upgrade my hardware just to get it to run back in the day… and I STILL never finished it.  I’m hoping to make good on that, given that I’ve already finished a couple other games. Sadly, Tomb Raider Underworld doesn’t offer cloud saving, so if I decide to play this on desktop I’ll have to either have a separate save, or manually transfer the save in between PC’s.

I’m not very far in, only finished the underwater portion thus far. Next time I play I’ll have to infiltrate a boat full of assholes. I know I’ve played this portion before, but it’s been so long that what’s old feels new again!

To Kill A Mocking Stormbird

Earned a few achievements tonight! I’ve climbed all the tallnecks, plundered all the bandit camps, found every Banuk figure, and I only have one metal flower left to find. There’s still quite a lot of the main questline to do, plus I still have more proving grounds to conquer… but I have 56 out of 79 achievements/trophies claimed. In fact I like this game soooo much that I may consider trying to platinum it! Obviously not tonight, and definitely not this month, and most probably not the next few.

Pacing, it’s important.

Where’d The Day Go? HZD Edition

We had our first cool day in about a week. After the long roast it felt real nice, and it gave me an excuse to play a warm game. 🙂 I didn’t mean to, but I accidentally binge played HZD, which tbf isn’t that hard to do. I cleared all the corrupted zones, cauldrons, Banuk figures in the base game, and I completed all the side-quests in the Frozen Wilds.

Even ran into some friends from the Frozen Wilds when I returned to the base game! I think I’ve earned enough achievements to give this one a little break. The weekend is over, it started with old school Playstation gaming and it ended in modern Playstation. There’s another work week on the horizon (no pun intended) and I think I have enough energy now to work on some different projects, depending on how the weather plays out.

You Like Konami Games!

Took to my Steam Deck during another hot day, and decided to enjoy some Metal Gear Solid in the shade. Calling it quits tonight just before starting the Psycho Mantis battle. Managed a good couple of hours on Steam Deck, By the time I depleted the battery it was cool enough for me to switch over to the desktop.

As glad as I am that Konami did an official PC release – I do wish Konami added better graphic features for their emulator. In epsxe I had it looking a lot smoother and clearer, worthy of a 4K TV. Since I’m mostly playing this on Steam Deck though, it isn’t that big of a deal.

The Wild Bluegleam Yonder

Finished a few quests in the Frozen Wilds tonight. Finally got all the materials I needed to trade for a bluegleam map, and have been making my way around the frozen tundra harvesting bluegleam aplenty. It’s a blue machine gem that you can trade for special valuables like weapons and outfits. So far I’ve claimed over 50.

I would of had more screenshots to share, but for whatever reason the screenshot key wouldn’t save anything while I had screenshots set to a custom folder. After disabling the external folder option I was able to take screenshots again. Strange that it still made the camera noise but didn’t take a shot…

I’m thinking of continuing tomorrow to try and finish up the DLC, might even play it on the big screen! Haven’t turned on the TV PC in about a month, maybe enjoy some cinematic adventures during tomorrow’s breakfast. 😀