To Kill A Mocking Stormbird
Earned a few achievements tonight! I’ve climbed all the tallnecks, plundered all the bandit camps, found every Banuk figure, and I only have one metal …
Earned a few achievements tonight! I’ve climbed all the tallnecks, plundered all the bandit camps, found every Banuk figure, and I only have one metal …
We had our first cool day in about a week. After the long roast it felt real nice, and it gave me an excuse to …
Took to my Steam Deck during another hot day, and decided to enjoy some Metal Gear Solid in the shade. Calling it quits tonight just …
Finished a few quests in the Frozen Wilds tonight. Finally got all the materials I needed to trade for a bluegleam map, and have been …
I’m getting closer to the end of the Frozen Wilds DLC methinks. I found all the pigments and banuk figures, and I have some hunting …
Ah, another Saturday Evening lost to the digital elements of Horizon Zero Dawn. I’m nearing the tail end of the Frozen Wilds DLC – if …
Today I continued my adventures in the Frozen Wilds. I’m not sure if we’ll make it out to Yellowstone this year, but on the off …
Another weekend has come and gone. Sometimes just two days off in a row doesn’t seem like enough, but I think I’m mentally ready to …
It’s been a cozy weekend. Woke up to a fog that matched the fog in my head from a weeks worth of physical and mental …
Today was a cozy Sunday filled with plenty of healthy brunch, and a full day of HZD! Finished a couple of quests in the Frozen …