Zoe of Arcadia

Picked back up on Dreamfall: The Longest Journey! Today I started in Venice, and called it a night when I made my way to the other world. Getting here took me awhile, but I only had to look up help a couple of times – and it mainly had to do with the game UI. The more I play, the more I think I’ll put this on pause and crack open The Longest Journey, since it seems to reference it quite a bit.

Dreaming of Dreamfall

It’s been quite awhile since I picked back up on Dreamfall: The Longest Journey. I actually got pretty far tonight! Even got into my first anticlimactic battle!

The story is really starting to get interesting! A friend of mine has mysteriously vanished after sending me on a delivery errand for him. I had to rescue the person I was making the delivery to, and after returning to my friend’s apartment I find it has been left unlocked and included a dead girl absolutely free, followed by getting arrested by the local authorities AKA “The EYE”. My only complaint so far is the inability to do cloud saves in between my desktop and Steam Deck, but the save files are located in the root game folder for easy copying. Small wonders.

This was another one of those games that I would start over and over again after leaving it for long periods of time… maybe installing it on my Steam Deck will help me plink away at this adventure. It doesn’t have official controller support, but it has no problems with a community imported config.

I know this game would be considered a relic in this day and age, but I have to admit that I’m impressed that it can do full 4K at 144 plus. So many older games are limited to 30 and 60 (usually due to engine restraints) and it isn’t everyday that you see something so future-proofed.