One Episode Down!

Finished Episode 1 in Duke Nukem 2! I had fun trying to figure out how to thwart the endboss with limited ammo supply, but I fucking did it! Now it’s three episodes to go, when I get around to playing again. 😛

Duke Nukem 2 isn’t currently recommended for the Steam Deck, not enough testing, and it does require keyboard input for naming saves and scoreboard; but even when DOSBox is running through Proton it has no issues with the Steam Overlay. So far this is looking like it’ll get a thumbs up! I still need to finish the whole game though, just to share more of the experience! It would be cool to see some of these games garner more attention.

One of the things PC has over Console is the ability to go back in time and play any game we feel like playing. We don’t need to dig out old hardware. Sidescrolling games are still popular today, so it would be cool to see more people checking out the retro stuff.

Duke Nukem Forever was so horrible that Duke 3D got a multiplayer update

Oh well. I’m sure it’ll make some people happy. I may even give it a shot at some point. But yes, Duke Nukem 3D Megatron Edition got an update on Steam yesterday that allows people to play multiplayer together.

Again, not a bad thing. But methinks 3D Realms reeeealy seems to be scraping the bottom of the barrel.