Sometimes I’ve played games that in one way or another hit really close to home for me, sharing some realism with current times and events. I like games like these because they pose a “what if?” scenario that begs for more questions. The Wolfenstein Series posed the question of what would happen if the Nazi’s won the war? The Bioshock Series gave us a glimpse of what a world run by drug addicts and racist religious zealots would be like, and I won’t even get into the Metal Gear series… we’d be here all night. This game brings you into an area of Montana overrun by religious zealots on steroids called “Peggies” and you have to try and liberate the land after a capture of their cult leader going awry.
This is my first Far Cry game that I’ve played, but so far I seem to be understanding the game mechanics ok. The only part I really had trouble with was the escape part in the truck. Other than that I’ve been having no issues being a stealth killer. :zorak: I’ve already got quite a few hours in, and I seem to have a similar problem with this game that I’ve also shared with Skyrim. There’s so much you can do that it’s easily to get lost in the world. I’ve just been bumming around from place to place, finding interesting ways of killing people from complete stealth to physics based accidents. I even killed a bear with C4 to finish a quest! Truly this game is as American as Apple Pies and bourbon.
I think this is one that I’ll want to stream in the future, but it will have to be Twitch exclusive. It has copyrighted music in it, and unlike YouTube Twitch doesn’t give me copyright bullshit over blurbs of music being played over a radio. I might have to pick back up on this again next week. I’ve taken enough screenshots to at least last the entire week though! :meeseeks:
From what I’ve played so far I highly recommend getting it during a sale like I did. It’s fun, but not full price fun. I’m also wanting to check out New Dawn, heard good reviews on that one.