Please tell me this is a joke

I stumbled upon this video from another blog I frequent. It’s about how GameStop employees can better understand the mysterious species that is the female shopper. O_o

This HAS to be some form of satire. The videos they make us watch at work have a hell of a lot of cheese factor in them, but nowhere near the amount presented in this disasterpiece of a video.

Cyber bullying knows no bounds.

One thing I can’t stand in any arena, albeit real life or gaming is bullying. Especially cyber bullying which in some ways can be worse than regular bullying. A regular bully has to confront you face to face, while a cyber bully is usually some socially awkward pimple faced douchecanoe who dwells deep within their mom’s basement, trolling teh internetz with creamed jeans and a cheetos stained crotch (you’re welcome for the visual btw). These people take to the internet and use it as their soap box to preach all kinds of stupid unto the web, where they gather followers in the pursuit of freedumb.

But enough about that. Lets get to the whole reason why I’m even writing this up in the first place. I follow a blog called Not In The Kitchen Anymore where a gamer shares pictures and audio of guys who instantly turn into knuckle dragging cavemen at the sign of a female. Recently she has received quite a bit of a backlash.

On July 26th, I was playing Black Ops 2 on my Xbox 360. Another player in the lobby took issue with me being there, and basically started attacking me over my gender. He kept asking if I was on my period, implying that I was fat or a lesbian, and making jokes like “Hey, ya’ll know why uh, women shouldn’t have drivers licenses? Cuz there’s no highway between the bedroom and the kitchen.” It’s all documented in this entry.

It started off light, then it just got outright creepy.

After the match concluded, he sent me a text message that said “slizzy” (which is, apparently, slang for “slut”). I replied, “Keep digging yourself into a hole dude.” He then proceeded to send me a voice message that said, “I’m gonna impregnate you with triplets and make you have a very late term abortion. Strict mental abuse. Hahaha.”

You can find a recording of the voice message here.

The responses to this weren’t much better.

So, when did pointing out peoples stupidity become crying for help? She has the right idea recording these nimrods and posting their responses. More people (women, men, anyone having some kind of sexist or racial issue) should look into this method just in case some wanker comes about to leave a steaming pile. I’m all for putting peoples stupidity on public display.

Heck, even I do that. Although on PC it can be more fun (depending on the game of course). I run a bunch of servers for my group that are available for the public, being that they’re public it obviously means that anyone is welcome to join. If the person who happens to join is being a thorn in someones side (ruining the gameplay, or just being a horses arse) it merits some fun admin trolling followed by a permaban. Unfortunately it doesn’t work that way everywhere, resulting in examples such as the ones this gamer is going through.

So, women are at fault for the MRA declaring violent video games an evil.

Taken from Manboobz.

The most important reason why LaPierre is wrong is because what he is doing is feminist. Video games are an activity predominately enjoyed by men. So are guns. Both activities are under attack from feminists (just like other predominately male activities like science fiction are) because men are interested in them and women are mostly not interested in them. LaPierre is shooting himself in the foot (pun intended) by alienating allies among the video game community and helping out feminists in their war on male activities.

This makes me laugh. I mean… look at how much I hate violent video games. My Steam profile speaks for itself in how much I hate games like CS:GO, TF2 etc. Hell even viewing my YouTube channel while I play said games will chop a guys balls clear off.

Oh of course… I’m clearly doing it to be an attention whore core. Yeah… I’m the enemy. 😀

Women don’t get harrassed online.

Found an interesting read tonight. I have no doubt this is done quite a bit. Putting together tutorials on how to target girl gamers in particular.

He released an “apology” video.

In the video he makes it clear he’s not very happy with Kotaku, and as punishment for poking at his fun he is going to go out of his way to torture more girl gamers. Because I guess that’s what manly men do? Boys will be boys and that sort of thing, right? Nothing like being a tough guy in mum’s basement.

I wonder if he plays any other games, or if he’s strictly into that game only. Would be fun if I met up with him. I’d clearly bring FRAPS for one of my own “tutorials”. 😉 But then I don’t know if he’d pick a fight with me. Since he has based his selections on the amount of cleavage he finds, and the closest I can get to cleavage is this:

They are nice melons, though.