I went through my normal rounds of checking on and restarting my collection of game servers, and when opening up VM3 I noticed a couple Telnet connections that I didn’t authorize from an IP address in The Netherlands. To people that don’t know, Telnet is often used for checking in on another computer on your own network or over the internet. Apparently Telnet is built into the Serious Sam games and can’t really be shut off with any convar or switch. You can get around this by uninstalling Telnet and doing a few other configurations to the VM, but to me the amount of fuss isn’t worth it for a server that only runs in vanilla mode (for some reason Croteam doesn’t allow dedicated servers for the moddable client). If I want to play Serious Sam with a friend my desktop and laptop PC’s are more than powerful as a listen server.
Oh well, while two servers may have to be put out of my misery I still have servers for Garry’s Mod, TF2, Quake III Arena and one each for L4D1 and 2. This also leaves me room to experiment with other kinds of servers, when I find the time of course. Or even expand on some of the current ones.