Scratched The Surface… Twice

My trip to the surface didn’t last too long, but I’m back on the dungeon crawl with a blade this time, and new powers never before used. I made it out one last time tonight before inevitably being sent back, but if I can do it twice in one evening I can surely do it again next time.

Another Scorcher

Another warm summer like day means another day on my Steam Deck! Something about playing Hades in the hot heat seems immersive enough. Still haven’t been able to get past the Champions of Elysium, but I am getting stronger and making the place look a little lived in, even gave Cerberus the best bed a good boi could deserve. I’ve been seeing more people play this, probably to prepare for Hades 2. It’s been tempting to buy, but my current collection makes me slap myself on the wrist at the thought of doing so. I at least need to finish the first one first! 😛

Besides… it’ll give the game some time to mature in Early Access while I go about climbing Mt. Backlog.

Chillin’ In Hades… Wait

It’s been a good while since I braved Tartarus and the other circles of Hades. I still haven’t been able to get past the third boss battle, but the ever changing dungeons make it all the more entertaining. As a silver lining I did get a couple achievements/trophies tonight; one for getting a higher kill count than the hotness that is Thanatos, and calling for an Olympian aid in my time of need. I did two runs, both lasting around half an hour each. Had to stop after awhile to give my hand a break, lots of button work on a controller… One of these days I need to finish it, especially since the sequel is juuuust around the corner.

Flaming At The Heels

Took out some frustrations in Hades tonight. This game makes for an excellent punching bag when under the right conditions. A warm game of Hades, mixed with some eggnog chai after a nice relaxing shower is a good way to unwind before plummeting onto the bed to endure my own version of Hades come tomorrow morning.

Hades’ Elysium

Made it out of Asphodel, and as far as Elysium! Who knew there were heavenly parts of Hades? Of course I was sent back after meeting a couple new buddies.

At least I finally defeated that damned bone hydra and freed Orpheus.

I also redecorated the halls and completed a few prophecies, enough that I can take a break from it for now. 🙂 It’s time to call it a night anyway, and reality demands that I rest for it.


Wow, it’s Wednesday and I somehow managed to make a short video AND play three different games… and they’re all indie! Started out with Outland during my morning lunch break, then played a round of Hades and then finished off in Whisker Squadron Survivor. What can I say? I’m versatile. 😛

After murdering a green cube with my laz0rz I think I found The Matrix for mechanical insects. So far this has been one of the harder alternative routes to take. I still haven’t beat a run – I clearly need more practice!

This time when I re-entered the House of Hades, my faithful Doggo Cerberus was nowhere to be found. There were also a few other characters missing, and Meg was getting “Promoted” by Big Hades himself. I get the feeling I’ll find out why on my next playthrough! 😛

Hard as Hades

Made it out of Tartarus during lunch, and got knocked back into the House of Hades when I got home. On the brightside I did make it farther this time! I used the sword. Each time I die I always try some other weapon; so far my faves are the sword and the bow. I hear the shield can do a lot of damage, but my first playthrough with it didn’t go as well as it did with the other weapons. I also recently unlocked a spear, maybe I’ll try that for my next playthrough?

Of Heaven and Hell

It was another nice summer day that passed through. I woke up and enjoyed a Mediterranean quinoa bowl and picked up Hades for the first time in ages. I installed it onto the Steam Deck today, and as expected it runs to perfection. So far I’ve bit the dust 10 times, petted three headed doggo enough for an achievement, and cleared Tartarus… only to die and begin again once more. 😛

I did get to cycle some of the weapons. Played with the shield, a spear, played with the bow for a bit. For not having touched this one in awhile I think I did ok; I advanced the plot, made myself a bit stronger, enjoyed stabbing things, among other things.

Then later on in the day, when it started to cool I went to Heaven to get some Neon White Achievements and grab as many gifts as I could find. Did really well getting the Ace Medals, someday if I’m brave enough I’ll start going for the Dev Medals. They can only be obtained if you beat a level under a game dev’s completion time. I think I already have one that I got by accident.