Café Der Overlord

After a few years of contemplating I’ve finally decided to bite the bullet and invested in a milk frother. Over the last few days I’ve managed to make sweet fluffy milk with coconut sugar and vanilla extract, hot cocoa with a helping of British Nesquik I purchased by accident from the Amazing Zon (which is fine because the Murican one suuuuuuuuuuucks by comparison), American strawberry Nesquik (looking to get in some of the British one too!) which made a warm strawberry fluff, and tonight I made warm fluffy eggnog with equal part milk and a bit of Cream Sherry for an added kick. I’m not sure about anyone else, but for me mixing eggnog with Cream Sherry or Marsala gives it a zabaglione taste (that’s an Italian wine custard). Nice to have a nice fluffy drinkable version for when I don’t feel like hovering over a stove making it from scratch, during the holidays anyway…


I have so many ideas on what kind of flavored foam I can conjure to go with each brew of tea, or what kind of hot cocoas and chocolates I can make! Methinks my weekend will have a few drinkable clouds, maybe even a London Fog finally! I could also probably use it to make a nice Japanese Matcha Cream to go over a Matcha Latte, and many other drinkable brain children.

Hot Fucking Chocolate

I was reading this blog post over at Fucking Recipes today, and this quote as well as the subject matter caught my attention:

with hot chocolate season on the way, there are a lot of subtle ways to work a little magic into your mug! a compiled list of easy recipes to have some magic in your day

Then I looked out my window and saw fog and felt the balmy weather, and I thought to myself “hot chocolate season is right the fuck now”. So tonight after having soup and sandwiches I made some hot cocoa with cinnamon, peanut butter, ginger and a dash of FUCKING NUTMEG… because I’m not a nord who can swallow cup after cup of the stuff.

They do have some interesting ideas for hot chocolate on that page, not entirely sure if I’m on board with the lavender type but everything else sounds good.