You Like Konami Games!

Took to my Steam Deck during another hot day, and decided to enjoy some Metal Gear Solid in the shade. Calling it quits tonight just before starting the Psycho Mantis battle. Managed a good couple of hours on Steam Deck, By the time I depleted the battery it was cool enough for me to switch over to the desktop.

As glad as I am that Konami did an official PC release – I do wish Konami added better graphic features for their emulator. In epsxe I had it looking a lot smoother and clearer, worthy of a 4K TV. Since I’m mostly playing this on Steam Deck though, it isn’t that big of a deal.

Impressive, Snake!

Didn’t have much time to play tonight, but I got about half an hour of MGS VR Missions in. I did some target practice with everything but a few of the other weapons. I would have played MGS proper tonight, but wanted more than half an hour for the proper shiz… so tonight was a night at the shooting range for me, so to speak.


Been playing MGS a bit on and off today, and in between my deck and desktop. I just finished chatting it up with Meryl before calling it a night, funnily enough I had the old disc case in easy reach for getting her number. 🙂

I also forgot how fun the VR missions could be! Today I got through all the Sneak Practice levels, and just started SOCOM training. This should come in handy as a fun break time distraction during my future lunch breaks.

Beware Of Dummy Thicc Ice

All posed and ready for animation! I did a little work on the mouth tonight, will probably do more after work tonight. I’m on my final vampire shift… thank fuck. I don’t mind graveyards but the job they’re making me do is way out of my element, stressful, and the people I work around are absolute drama queens.

OMG Metal Gear! Is On GOG

Dummy Blocc

Metal Gear Solids 1 2 and classic Metal Gear were released on GOG today, so if anyone wants to get a digital copy it appears to be available. From what I’ve read it isn’t a remaster, just the original PC releases. I’m not sure if they have been patched or not, but if needed I do know of a fan made MGS2 patch. Still, it would be nice to have a remastered edition just like Capcom did with their games. Konami is just letting Fox Engine is go to waste on pachinko machine animations…

I’m going to wait and see if it releases on Steam, if push comes to shove I’ll buy it on GOG. I’m getting them one way or the other.

MGS1 And MGS2 Are Being Re-Released On PC!

I did a double take when going through my RSS feed this morning. After all these years the PC versions of MGS1 and MGS2 will finally reappear, along with other older classic titles from Konami’s catalog.

This ‘re-release’ is in all likelihood intended to make older Konami games playable on next-gen consoles. Given the somewhat limited backwards compatibility of the PS5, we can expect this practice of re-releasing to become more commonplace, and hopefully PC gamers can also reap the benefits!

The first PC releases for both games were pretty buggy (though thanks to a fan patch improves the port immensely). The cutscenes in MGS1 were broken, and MGS2 had some graphical issues when running vanilla. It would also be nice to have more modern resolutions, the highest resolution I could achieve in MGS1’s PC port to go was 1024×768 with no patches or tweaks like I can find for MGS2. Perhaps in the future we might even see MGS3 and 4 officially come to PC! Think of the possibilities!

I wonder what modding would be like, if at all.

I need covfefe! 61!

This video pretty much nails what I’ve been thinking since 2017. The voice of Roy Campbell (The Colonel in the Metal Gear Solid series) read a snippet of the latest indictment provided by Robert Mueller, as if it were a mission briefing for good ol Solid Snake himself.

It’s kinda funny when you think about it. Metal Gear Solid 2 was a game about how people could easily be controlled by particular information sources and made to feel passionate no matter how right or wrong they are about it (it also had a president that grabbed your crotch because you looked a little too feminine), exactly what we’re going through right now. We have people chanting fake news and only accepting one source as gospel, and if you even so much as try to debunk anything they’ll either try to move the goalpost or retreat to their happy little safe spaces where they can continue to echo whatever they want to believe. This article is a fine example of such a person.

Florine Gruen Goldfarb loves America. She is a real, down-home patriot. So much so that she unwittingly promoted Russian-coordinated events on Facebook in support of Donald Trump. Goldfarb, who runs the Team Trump Broward County Facebook page, was one of the 53 percent of white women who backed Trump in 2016 and likely didn’t need Russia’s help to do it. But CNN reports that she did, in fact, promote pro-Trump events that were encouraged by Russian trolls on Facebook.

These people call themselves patriots, while not caring if the Russians were involved in the 2016 election… To me a real patriot is someone who serves their country. If you’re willing to die for your country, then to me you’re a true fucking patriot. People like her ruin the word patriot for the people who actually deserve to be called as such, and that sickens me to no end.

Anyways, in light of this are we all honorary Metal Gear characters now? O_o

Playing around a bit with Street Fighter X Tekken

Today I decided to tear into Street Fighter X Tekken. Had a bit of a rough start though, for whatever reason the game needed GFWL to function and the version it installed was borked. Fortunately someone had a solution involving XLive.dll. Adding that to the root directory of the game fixed it without having to install a newer version of GFWL, which is perfectly fine with me since I try to keep as little cancer on my systems as possible.

Anyways I modded the hell out of the game. There are quite a few model/costume replacements you can download for it, here are some of my selections:





Who wants to cross swords with me?
MY NIRNROOT DAMMIT!!!! Oh wait, wrong game…


Time to kick all the porn… wha?
Hurt me more, Snake.
How the hell does he keep appearing in my games…
Peace out!

There are many many more model replacements I can (and plan to) download, including Solid Snake, The Joker, Col Sanders, Princess Peach, etc etc etc. I’d have more to showcase but some of the download servers they’re kept on limit you to 1 download per 180 minutes unless you use their pay service… :S I can afford to wait. I plan to move this to the HTPC so I can play it on the couch. I’d stream it but I’ve been having issues with that between the desktop and the HTPC lately, which is odd considering my laptop and desktop can see each other, and the laptop and HTPC can see each other, but getting the desktop and HTPC to talk to each other results in epic fail… Oh well, it’s not like this game leaves a huge footprint or anything.