My Chariot Awaits

Today was a “Fuck it I’m not feeling well” kind of day. So, instead of working on my current video project I installed this little beauty.

This is a model(s) replacement for D-Horse. Why ride around on a normal looking horse when you can let these guys cart you around?

Huey really is a horse’s ass.

Well, that’s enough for one weekend I guess. I’m just glad to have played this without any issues, and even with mods!

MGSV Modded & Ret 2 Go

Happy Easter! I’ve been playing more with MGSV:TPP and modding; it’s actually just as easy under Linux as it is under Windows! I ran SnakeBite Mod Manager under Wine and added my mods back in; including some new ones. I rescued Miller, captured enough victims on my own base to develop a cardboard box, kidnapped hired a translator. etc. I was actually going to add another game to test under Linux, but the call to play this was far too strong to ignore.  I’m really happy with the results!