I Kan Haz New Fruit Skin

If earning enough watermelon seeds to unlock a fruit cat skin in My Suika – Watermelon game is a sign that I’m addicted, then at least I’m willing to grind away at it instead of spending real world dollars on it. 😛 We had another random scorcher day where one minute we were in the 17C range, and then within an hour we were getting close to 30C. This weather becomes more and more unusual all the time. It did at least give me an excuse to play more on my Steam Deck today at least. Before vacation the poor thing was lucky to get used on the weekends. My lunches at work have either been too short or non-existent, leaving me with no time to even get a survival match in Serious Sam down.

It’s looking like we might have a repeat of the same weather tomorrow. Already charging up my Steam Deck in anticipation!

M-M-M-My Suika!

It was a hot summer day. Perfect for playing a small game that ate more of my time than expected due to it being ridiculously addictive. It’s pretty basic; combine fruits in a jar, matching fruits become a bigger fruit and eventually if you’re lucky you get a watermelon. Yutram inadvertently introduced me to the game while they were going through their own addiction cycle with it, and apparently today was my turn.