Steam Play Test Results 8/24/18 PLATINUM EDITION

Oddly this all started when I tried to test Bayonetta via Steam Play, here are the results of that and some others:

  1. Bayonetta: Played perfectly fine until I quit and tried to restart, the window became unresponsive.
  2. NieR Automata: Despite being whitelisted by Steam this title will only load itself into memory and does fuck all on my distro.
  3. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance: Almost perfect, with only a couple glitches like small bits of lag and lights appearing through solid objects and people (including me). Is actually running on a hacked executable to run at 1440p as well as some graphical modding. Can restart the game multiple times and it won’t puss out like Bayonetta. No I’m not picking up any Nirnroot for you.
  4. Okami HD: Loaded a window, but it was nothing but a short lived world of graphical terror that would eventually collapse into itself, not even Amaterasu could save this poor world…

So out of all of those games I could only get MGR to work, that would be my fucking luck… :melon:

Returning to NieR Automata

After yesterdays unhealthy gaming pattern I broke out and did something completely different; I returned to NieR Automata and hack, slashed and hacked my way through enemies and completed quests. I’m still playing from 9S’s perspective, learning the backgrounds behind these machines and why they’re the way they are. This game is still mindblowing to me, with the graphics, the music, story and gameplay… appealing to all the senses. Plus I have to admit I enjoy Yoko Taro’s sense of humor, hands down one of my favorite parts will forever be this games’ version of Romeo and Juliet:

At some point I’d also like to get my hands on the original NieR and maybe even Drakenguard… From what I’ve read you don’t need to play the older games in order to understand Automata, but if they are anything like this I’d like to give them a go. :happy: