The Terms of Service for the Oculus Rift are Facebook creepy… because Facebook


Hate to say it, but I saw this coming.


  • Information about your interactions with our Services, like information about the games, content, apps or other experiences you interact with, and information collected in or through cookies, local storage, pixels, and similar technologies (additional information about these technologies is available at…);
  • Information about how you access our Services, including information about the type of device you’re using (such as a headset, PC, or mobile device), your browser or operating system, your Internet Protocol (“IP”) address, and certain device identifiers that may be unique to your device;
  • Information about the games, content, or other apps installed on your device or provided through our Services, including from third parties;
  • Location information, which can be derived from information such as your device’s IP address. If you’re using a mobile device, we may collect information about the device’s precise location, which is derived from sources such as the device’s GPS signal and information about nearby WiFi networks and cell towers; and
  • Information about your physical movements and dimensions when you use a virtual reality headset.’


That’s a little too big brother-ish for my taste. I knew from the moment Facebook invested in the Rift I would lose what little interest I already had in the project. I say that I have little interest because VR is too new. I can say that I have little interest in other VR Projects as well, including Steam’s HTC Vive. But Oculus gets a big fuck no from me because of Facebook’s creepy uncle mentality.

As if I’m going to spend hundreds of dollars so I can have Facebook potentially watch my every move and try to sell me shit I probably don’t want. Why would anyone be ok with this? This is right up there with Microsoft’s telemetry BS and Google’s over the top data collection. I don’t see how people can be so open about their privacy and act as though nothing can go wrong because ‘they have nothing to hide’. Sorry, I’m a privacy advocate and shall remain as such. My computer and devices are like my house and house internals. I don’t want people snooping around in there unless I give them my permission.

So… OculusRift got bought out by Facebook.

Never in my life would I ever think to hear the words “John Carmack works for Mark Zuckerburg” in one sentence. Yep! The Oculus Rift project has been bought up by Facebook. So I guess now you’ll be able to VR Farmville, and maybe John Carmack will bring DooM to facebook! Oh god… The entire internet is in an uproar about this right now.

“Mobile is the platform of today, and now we’re also getting ready for the platforms of tomorrow,” Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg says. “Oculus has the chance to create the most social platform ever, and change the way we work, play and communicate.”

Suddenly the Sony Equivalent is looking a tad nicer.