Cracked open MechWarrior 5 for the first time! Pimped my ride, found some mods (Steam and Nexus). It’s already consumed three hours, that’s a good …
Cracked open MechWarrior 5 for the first time! Pimped my ride, found some mods (Steam and Nexus). It’s already consumed three hours, that’s a good …
Now that I’ve destroyed the livefeed to Big Ben, the Space Kangaroos won’t know what time it is… giving me vast amounts of time to …
Attempted to play Deadpool on Steam Deck this evening. The good news is that it runs! The bad news is that it includes a free …
Spent the day continuing my exploration of Nevalis. Grabbed even more achievements, met more colorful characters, and found more colorful clothes! I was searching for …
Another game I can add to the finished list! Now that I’ve successfully finished it I can provide my list of pros and cons: Pros: …
After a little over a month I’ve decided to continue my journey through Okami! Defeated Orochi (for realz), added a couple new weapons to my …
Damn, that must be some good coffee. Defeated the Hypno Baron and the “Horror” he summoned. This game is a pretty good laugh, and it …
Last night I tried something different from my humungo games library, and opted for the 2016 version of Layers of Fear. It’s 99% jump scares, …
After all these years, many attempts and many breaks in between… I finally defeated the fucking warlock! WOO!!! HUZZAH!!! EXCELSIOR!!! That doesn’t mean that I …
Taking a break from my Metroidvania streak to appease my inner five year old, by playing Commander Keen on the Steam Deck! I always thought …