Playstation Classic runs better with RetroArch.

At this point it’s more than obvious that the Playstation Classic hasn’t been as well received as other miniature consoles, especially since discovering that it is nothing more than Sony’s own version of a retro pie. But to add insult to injury someone installed RetroArch on it and got faaaaar better results.

It probably would have been better in Sony’s interest to have proper emulation enthusiasts tweak and setup their mini console. It’s no wonder they’ve gone on sale so quickly after launch.

The Playstation Classic runs on an Open Source Emulator

Ever since the release of Nintendo’s NES Classic we’ve been seeing more mini consoles/computers pop up, such as the C64 Mini, and the Playstation Classic. An interesting detail was noted about the latter device, apparently it runs on the PCSX emulator:

Nice to see that Sony has learned their lesson after the bleem incident. (Bonus points to anyone who knows what I’m referencing.) 😛 I shouldn’t be too surprised considering other consoles are pretty much the same internally with a tiny shell to give us warm fuzzies of a long gone era, but at the same time the idea of casting out $100 for a tiny computer with a built in emulator configured to play only 20 games doesn’t seem worth the dough (though I could say similar for the others). Unlike Sony though, I have to give props to Nintendo for at least selecting more memorable games. The list of games for the PSClassic are quite lackluster with the exception of a few titles. I remember the PS1 era for Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, Crash Bandicoot, Spyro The Dragon, Twisted Metal and a few others. I’m going to guess there’s a possibility that at the very least Activision might have something to do with the lack of Crash and Spyro. But I figured since one of the Final Fantasy titles would have appeared on the Classic that Square Enix would have parted with at least the original Tomb Raider?

I still expect people to go forth and purchase these things for nostalgia sake… but I’ll just hold onto my original, the PS3, and my emulators. I don’t need to spend a large chunk of my paycheck on something I could build, configure and install myself. :v:

A wild Playstation Classic appears

I guess Sony has decided to get on the “Lets make a miniature console” bandwagon:

I’ll admit it does look pretty cool, but considering I have a PS3 that can play PS1 games that I got for a fraction of the cost of this lil guy, the original PS1 with original dualshocks AND epsxe on all of my gaming computers I think I’m pretty good. :v: