Tag: Resident Evil 6
Current Vacation Spot: Japanese Games (and a little bit of Croteam)
So far I’ve mostly relaxed (aside from doing my usual work around the house), been really getting more into the Yakuza series. I’ve been bouncing …
Something Something Zombies
I did a little co-op RE6 with Yutram this evening. I was surprised at how easy it was for connect together to have a proper …
I Didn’t Want To Sleep Tonight Anyway…
I played a bit with some wiki stuff today, but found I’ll have to do a PHP upgrade. Not too big of a deal, but …
Resident Evil 6: Double The Revengeance
Yutram and I tested the new Steam couch co-op feature recently released by Steam. It allows you to play a local co-op game with a …
Here We Are At Weekend
So, this week’s excuse for why I haven’t been posting much lately is because once again work has collected most of my attention. I got …