Always Something To Do

We’ve only had two days of rain, but it already feels like a weeks worth. Not that it matters much to me… I slept in today, loved an orange cat and bounced between a few games after a good breakfast and some self spa-care. Started out by playing a bit of Alice: Madness Returns in the early afternoon, and managed to complete a couple of levels. It doesn’t support cloud saving, so I’ve decided to make this game exclusive to my Steam Deck. I won’t remove it from my Deck until I finish it, it’ll give me an incentive to continue my journey much sooner rather than later. 😛

Later in the afternoon, I moved over to Dust: An Elysian Tail. I played a bit of it yesterday and got from 72% to 80%! Then today I got from 80% to 97%! Maybe I’ll finish it before the end of the month arrives! I learned a super jump ability that can be used on heavily vented areas. Needless to say I’ve been having fun using it to collect all the treasure in previous areas. I just need to do a sweep of a couple more and then I’ll return to the main plot.

Then as evening drew near, and we had full bellies to power us, we played a session of Borderlands 3 and furthered the storyline along quite a bit. Unfortunately we lost a valuable NPC due to a couple of narcissists, such is life in Space Texas.

Now that I’ve explored a few alternate realities, maybe I’ll be able to have enough energy to do something productive tomorrow! I have a lot planned ahead of me, gift prep, gift shopping, some audio and SFM stuff. Today was a nice day for recharging. 😀

Fondling My Deck For An Hour

Chilled this evening with a little bit of Dust: An Elysian Tail on my Steam Deck. I’m currently sitting at 78% completion. Found a chest, a couple keys and some red moss tonight. Also managed to complete a couple quests, good way to kill an hour.

I haven’t decided if I’m going to upgrade to the new Steam Deck or not; the hardware upgrades are good, but the refresh rate isn’t enough for me to really consider it for that. The only thing that makes it tempting for me is the 1TB edition, and the improved battery power… but with my luck they’ll probably release a 120hz model next year with even better features, like cooling when playing 3D intensive games. When I use my Steam Deck I’m always within an area to charge it when I need to, and with what I’ve played on it I get a gaming laptop’s worth or better in battery power, which is enough for me.

Dusting Off Dust

Today when I woke up to gray and rainy weather, all warm in nice clean bedding. I opened up my tablet to do some cozy in bed reading, only to find there was no internet. I managed to survive the six hour outage by doing other things. A little more tidying, some animation and even prepping a video.

Other than that I’ve been playing through Dust: An Elysian Tail on my Steam Deck. Started at 68% completion tonight and left it at 72%. Survived a boss battle and found a bunch of keys and several chests that may or may not have contained a bunch of hot dogs, and maybe a blue print (not for making hot dogs). The scenery matched today’s weather, and chillin’ on the Steam Deck brought back old school rainy day Game Boy sessions.

Might have to play a little more under the covers. 🙂 It’s supposed to be pissing down for the next few days, may as well get comfortable with my game collection. 🙂

A Whole Other Wonderland

Alice arrives in wonderland.

I never played any of American McGee’s Alice games, and that changed this evening! I never bothered making an EA/Origin account, and didn’t feel like doing so. But several years later when EA returned to Steam and a few sales later I ended up getting it, but never got around to playing it until now. It released in 2011 but the graphics hold up really well!

Alice standing inside a giant teapot.

I also installed it onto my Steam Deck! Unfortunately it doesn’t offer cloud saves, which means unless I manually update my saves in between my systems I’ll have to play two separate saves. Other than that it runs really well on a hand held, controls and all.

I’ve Been Given The Bird

I somehow managed to get past Chapter 11 during lunch… with a couple minutes to spare! Maybe I play better when I’m timed? Either way I got a couple of achievements, and I just finished up another chapter! I have Goffik Flappy Bird Power to work with now!

I’m three levels away from reaching the end! That will have to wait for another night.  I’ve been grinding this game out the last few nights… time for something else.

Happy Portalween!

Decided to try a few Halloween themed maps during my lunch break, and came across a fun map to fit Spooktober! It’s from a series of maps called Office Prank. I’ve seen a couple YouTubers play through the series, but never saw this map before! It was short, sweet and definitely worth looking at! You can download it from the workshop here.

When Quests Do Themselves

I’ve been adventuring so much in Dust an Elysian Tail that I had all the materials to complete each Fale quest tonight in one visit! It was funny just sitting there, solving each quest with a “Here are those materials you asked for, Fale.” without having to venture off to purchase or loot my way to victory. At this point I have three sidequests and the main story to look forward to, when I get to it. 🙂

Steam Deck Sunday: Legend of Kay Anniversary

Once upon a time, I started a game called Legend of Kay Anniversary – and like many other games before and after it, I never got around to finishing it. Today was the day that changed, and it was all thanks to some hot weather and a Steam Deck. It isn’t Verified for the Steam Deck, in fact at the time of writing this it is currently listed as unsupported. But I can confirm that it runs like native via Proton, and it was playable on battery for about 4 hours. It’s perfect on the SD Card!

Legend of Kay Anniversary is a remaster of an old Playstation 2 game about a young cat boy named Kay, who lives in a village that is slowly being taken over by Rats and Gorillas. If you ever go to play this, – you have to keep in mind that this is a game from 2005. It’s the combat is going to be clunky, and the voice acting has no qualms about going from corny to terrible. Once you get past that, it actually has a nice charm to it.

I’m three chapters in so far, and gained several achievements by the time evening fell. So far I’m satisfied with my progress. I’m sure I’ll be back to helping some Wabbits next time I pop in to play!

Hard as Hades

Made it out of Tartarus during lunch, and got knocked back into the House of Hades when I got home. On the brightside I did make it farther this time! I used the sword. Each time I die I always try some other weapon; so far my faves are the sword and the bow. I hear the shield can do a lot of damage, but my first playthrough with it didn’t go as well as it did with the other weapons. I also recently unlocked a spear, maybe I’ll try that for my next playthrough?