With Autumn being on the horizon it felt somewhat appropriate for me to run out of my fave green cherry blossom tea today. I had the last brew of it this morning. Spent the rest of the day sipping away some green jasmine with grapefruit, perfect for the warm summer like day we were gifted.
Speaking of green tea, an interesting read popped up on my Mastodon feed this morning regarding the health benefits of green tea. It’s amazing for detox (which, as Overlord I already knew), it can help your heart, and possibly lower your blood pressure. It’s always been my go-to whenever I don’t feel the caffeinated need of black tea, and want just enough caffeine that I wouldn’t otherwise get from herbal or white teas.
Of course, if you don’t like tea this does fuck all to help you. But on the plus side it means there’s more tea for me to drink. 😛