My Soul Surges

It’s been a little over half a year since I went brawling in Soul Calibur VI, but I managed to knock some of the rust off of my play-style. It took me an eternity to defeat Collossus, but afterwards my battles were either easy or a slight challenge.

On this playthrough I managed to cross paths with Geralt. Unfortunately his Witcher skills were no match for my bitchin’ skills. This session went a little longer than I planned for it to be, but since I haven’t touched the game since July I don’t feel too bad about it. 😛

I’ll make up for it this weekend by getting started on my next animated project! 😀

She Hated The Darkness

Made a large amount of progress since last night’s adventures on Steam Deck. I moved along to the living room and played a good few hours on the TV, then eventually on Desktop. Learned a lot of new abilities! I can double jump, glide, dash and deflect… even swim!

But after several hours of adventure, Ori will now be camping in the Misty Woods until I decide to return. I was thinking tomorrow evening of trying to get more relics in Crash Bandicoot Warped, and the next day the Remastered Tomb Raider Trilogy releases! So the next couple days are going to be Playstation vibes! :v

I Wonder What They’re Talking About

Took some aggression out in DOOM 2 tonight. I went through some footage earlier and found out that it didn’t record correctly, and I had to delete another few hundred gigs…I feel a little better now that I’ve managed to kill some demons. Stopped on Lvl 10 for tonight, and even got an achievement for finding a BFG! Either way, I think I got enough anger out of my system to go to bed.

Under The Influence of Life

Continuing where I left off last week in High on Life. I earned the ability to use warp discs to get around, completed a paperwork game that went on a little longer than it should have, and decided to call it a night at the Boss Battle.

I came close to defeating him, but the light on his candle was only .1% harder to snuff out than the likes of mine. Called it a night before motion sickness sat in. This game, and a few other Unreal Engine games are making me consider upgrading my SSD/NVMe storage. The prices have been amazing for a few months now, and with more games using more resources and drive speed it would make sense to upgrade soon.

That and 4K rendering is far better on an SSD than a mechanical drive.

My Weekly Dose Of Rainbows

Finished the first three levels of the Autumn Hub World! We’ve been having warm-ish weather here the last few days, but it’s been hella gray… THIS is where my weekly dose of Spyro comes in handy, with its colorful world ready to sweeten my eyes with its visual candy.

Went on a flight, did some pest control, collected some bones and saved some cavemen. Good way to spend the evening, a good game and some tea as per usual. I’m almost tempted to play a little more tomorrow!


Each game in my library is screaming at me to play it, and with only so much time in an evening you can only advance your catalog so much. 😛

Fox On The Run

During the holidays I accumulated quite a few games, as is tradition! Some gifted, some bought. I saw a couple friends purchase Spirit of the North, a calm game where you play as a Fox wandering the landscapes of Iceland. You follow the spirit of the northern lights, and eventually become intertwined with her magic and energy. The visual quality is just as breathtaking as the calming musical score that follows you throughout your journey.

By using her powers you can open up new areas, and eventually gain more abilities from gaining a howl that can purify evil ragweed tendrils, and spiritual power that allows you to leave your body to explore places you normally couldn’t traverse.

I’ve decided to leave off on Chapter 4 for now. There wasn’t much to the game itself, but if you like to wander and take in beautiful scenery it’s definitely worth a play, if only to unwind. My only complaints so far are the inability to cloud save, and sometimes the controls show their clunkiness. But I’m already a couple hours again, and I know that I’ll be returning to it again sometime soon. 🙂

Ending My Evening In The Outland

Other than last night’s Baldur’s Gate 3 session I’ve mostly been gaming on the Steam Deck this weekend. Yesterday I stayed warm in bed and played a bit of Metal Gear Solid, and tonight I returned to Outland! It’s been awhile since I’ve touched this one, but I made up for it by finishing a couple boss battles and even gaining the ability to charge into things. I still need to obtain the launch pad feature. Once I do that I’ll backtrack and see what I’ve missed.

Taste That Rainbow!

The copious amounts of film noir rainy weather have been putting me in a mood for more colorful games, and it doesn’t get much juicier than the Spyro games. I played more Year Of The Dragon, and funny enough we’re actually in the year of the Dragon! I might have to play more games involving Dragons as a kind of a personal side-quest for myself.

I cleared a couple levels, found all the gems, spheres and completed some basic puzzles. They’re pretty simplistic, but then again this is a revamped kids game from the 90’s. I’m only playing through it because the original games were never available where I lived growing up. My only childhood memories of Spyro involved the first levels of the original Spyro game on a Pizza Hut demo disc. It’s kinda funny telling younger gamers today about those old times about ordering pizza and getting demos, fun times.

With my weekend on the rise I’ll probably kick it off with something a little more adult, something to sleep on anyway. I only have a few hundred ideas to choose from. :v