I took to wandering the wasteland today, didn’t feel like doing much else. I somehow managed to conjure up pain in my shoulder blades this morning; I can’t remember how exactly, but once it happened I heard a crack followed by an intense pain that I’ve only been able to get the edge off of with painkillers and candy. That and playing a bit of Fallout 4 with 2Boss. 😛
I also ventured into XCom 2, a friend of mine from work recommended it to me during the summer sale. I’m not really one for RTS games, but when he mentioned modding and the amount of customization you can put into making your own characters that made my ears perk up. I don’t have any screenshots yet, but give it time. I think it might even be worthy of recording, or streaming at the very least.
Oh, also on the subject of games I revisited Myst Online: Uru Live yesterday. It was interesting to see how it performed on my new processor, for some strange reason one of my cores was pegged at 97% at all times. It wasn’t that big of a deal considering I have 16 threads total, it’s just really bizarre. Then of course there was Cards Against Humanity with friends. Something I really shouldn’t play before bed, as that caused some really strange dreams I’d rather not go into detail about. :zorak: We’ll just say that I turned Gollum Hitler into a potato by stabbing him with my sword. I can’t really say much else because I’m afraid the internet might not be ready for what my brain churns out during a nightly sleep session.