The 2012 theorists are having a ball right now!

The 2012 theorists are having a ball right now!

We’ve been having some nice weather here recently. The coming of spring has brought some nice sun and clear skies these past few days. However, before that it was a nightmare!

Three times between February and April, we have had awful storms. First, there was the time in early February where we had a nasty snow storm. There were high winds, tons of snow falling everywhere, and lightning! Who has ever heard of lightning during a snow storm? Well, apparently it’s a rare occurence… but apparently not.

The second storm we had in late February involved rain, snow, and lightning! That’s twice that we’ve had a weather pattern involving both snow and lightning at the same time (not to mention, snow and rain at the same time)!

The third has to be the strangest, though. It was snowing and sleeting outside, and once again, there was lightning. The winds were extremely violent during this storm, and at that point I thought, “Holy crap! The world must be ending!”

It doesn’t help that recently there was that HUGE tornado outbreak in the Southern United States. Couple that with the recent 8.9 earthquake and gigantic tsunami in Japan, and you realize, “Well, I think we’ve got a problem, don’t we?”

Do I believe in 2012? Of course not! The idea that the world will end merely due to an interplanetary alignment is so unlikely that it doesn’t even deserve the thought! I do believe, however, that humans are responsible for what’s going on, and not some higher power or some unexplainable phenomenon. Only further proof that humanity needs to get it’s act together.

So now, a few safety tips for the next time you want to play Twister!

Don’t try this at home…

Or this…

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Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
April 30, 2011 5:16 pm

There’s a bunch of those people around town here that think the world will end. I keep telling them that it’d better come this time because I’m getting fucking tired of them moving the goal post all the damn time.

We also have some of the people that think Japan is “getting what they deserve” because they’re not “like us”. Most likely one of the people who think they have a sure spot in heaven… Heaven filled with fuckwits like these would be anything but heavenly…

Melon Seed

Of course they think they’re going to Heaven. They think so long as they believe in Jesus, they’ll be saved, and that all their hateful and sinful actions on Earth will hold no merit in his forgiveness.

Of course, the Bible and the Church are constantly contradicting each other, which is one of the reasons I abandoned Christianity long ago. I don’t like being part of a community that endorses blatant hatred under it’s own theology.

I think you might enjoy the movie “Religulous.” XD

Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Sensei Super Ultra Mega Commander Jedi Samurai ElPresidente Officer The Undertaker GuildMaster Grand Poobah Emperoress/Emperor Shogun Divine Saint Pharaoh Comrade Overlord Tomala of the guiding light
Melon Seed
April 30, 2011 5:16 pm

There’s a bunch of those people around town here that think the world will end. I keep telling them that it’d better come this time because I’m getting fucking tired of them moving the goal post all the damn time.

We also have some of the people that think Japan is “getting what they deserve” because they’re not “like us”. Most likely one of the people who think they have a sure spot in heaven… Heaven filled with fuckwits like these would be anything but heavenly…

Melon Seed

Of course they think they’re going to Heaven. They think so long as they believe in Jesus, they’ll be saved, and that all their hateful and sinful actions on Earth will hold no merit in his forgiveness.

Of course, the Bible and the Church are constantly contradicting each other, which is one of the reasons I abandoned Christianity long ago. I don’t like being part of a community that endorses blatant hatred under it’s own theology.

I think you might enjoy the movie “Religulous.” XD