The Forest Of Zombie Ghosts + Open Thread

The Forest Of Zombie Ghosts + Open Thread

We did another livestream last night, this time a co-op of a Left 4 Dead 2 campaign. It was fun despite what Left 4 Dead 2 wanted to throw at us.

I spent today tidying up my desk area, giving myself a good breakfast for today and probably the rest of the week (do ahead breakfasts are my favorite lifehack), and I did a little shopping on Amazon. I’m putting together a new ensemble for my Red Raidenhood Costume. I have other shopping plans for after work as well, and possibly maybe even during my lunch break.

Other than that I’ve relaxed for most of the evening, just finished playing a bit of Dreamfall The Longest Journey… I had to start over for whatever reason, this time I made sure there was a save in place. I also played a tiny bit of Duke Nukem and Commander Keen… emphasis on the tiny. I guess I just wasn’t in the mood for whatever reason. :melon:

I’ll be starting up again on the animated SFM intro for one of the Skyrim videos sometime after work if nothing else crops up. I probably won’t be showing much in the way of WIP photos until sometime late next month.

I’m ending the evening by drinking a nice homemade infusion of white tea and the watermelon tea I got for my birthday; that has been my all day elixir. It will most likely help fuel my imagination for future nightmares to come. :melon: