The Myst Movie aka “The Great Shaft”

The Myst Movie aka “The Great Shaft”

When it comes to making movies based on games, Hollywood seems to have no issues with sacrifice. Sacrificing people or even storyline just to make a quick buck.

In this case, two fellows by the name of Patrick A. McIntire & Adrian Vanderbosch started a project to make Myst into a big movie deal.

In October of 2009, Mysteria Film Group was approached by Roserock Films (headed by Hunt Lowry) to discuss a partnership.  A meeting in December of 2009 sealed a partnership not only with Roserock, but also with Gran Via Productions (headed by Mark Johnson).  The three companies have been working together to further develop the property in preparation for pitching to studios.

Well, they would be anyway. If they didn’t resign from the project. An announcement was made over at the MystOnline forums, posted by Isaac Testerman.

I don’t think this is the time or place to get into the details, but Cyan ultimately came to the decision that the best thing for the property was to have Adrian step down as MFG’s lead producer, and have me step into those shoes.

Their own idea that they presented to Cyan Worlds, and they end up not only changing the original story but they also end up getting rid of the people who originally spent years working with them on it?

This has generated quite a mixed set of emotions in what’s left of the Myst fanbase. Some fans who have been dedicated to Cyan Worlds are now questioning them, accusing them of throwing Adrian and Patrick under the bus just so they can make a profit, some fans don’t know what to think, then there are the fans that still back Cyan 100% no matter what, and then there are some who don’t blame Cyan, but rather Hollywood as an influence.

We may only have two posts to go on regarding what happened. But from either side it seems that two dedicated fans that wanted to see something come to life, met their own version of “The Great Shaft” as quite a few others in the Myst/Uru community have met in the past.


You can now sign a petition to support Adrian and Patrick here.

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Melon Seed
July 24, 2012 4:25 pm

And with that, MOUL enters it’s tenth episode: The Great Shaft!

Still, we all know what’s REALLY happening at Cyan…